[official] Netload.in Thread

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I use them for few years and I got nearly 50+ payments in the past from them (per 10-17 days). But after they made PPS, I saw countless yelling around here. Who is telling truth
if there is a bug, we have to solve problem. They told me WHICH URL is problem for you
and from where they bought an account. I could not show proof cause my friend had told me and have not my personal proof. But at least time I will waste my 12.5$ and I hope they do not ban my account (this was just try and see) and explaining here why ı did it.

If they ban my account saying CHEATER, I will MARk them %100 cheater. Cause
I put this PREWARNING about what WILL I DO to be sure system works perfect or not.
Firs t I dont care u believe me or not
I said mike is very helpful because he help me thats all .

and Still I cant believe you .
Post proof otherwise I cant believe you

post proof that u generated sell from your account .
don't show counting downloads .
Who know all is your assumption .
i posted the proof son but i edited the images because i don't want them to ban my account... and i do have 50$ in my acc :) and mike has not replied to me.. i have sent them and him an email..

hey check ur pm i have sent you the proof and now please don't post useless posts in this thread...

edit : the thing which i hate is no support if there is a bug commit it ! why make a con ?
I'll my personal check tonight (if I do not die). And tomorrow night I'll put proofs here
and will see they will put my sale in my account too or not.
djkelai it's not needed to try that.

I have already done and it's for sure.
Sales not counted!

Also Mike replied to me and said there are no sales in my Account.
But it's for sure that i have sales. Some user contacted me and told me that they purchased premium over my Links.

NL is scaming thats it!


Of course Mike is helpful, but do you think that sounds interesting to some1 if NL is scaming and do not count sales?
its boring me to see you guys again and again that sales are not counting..
Why not shutup and move forward to other good hosts.

Seriously you can't be greedy that much .. Netload is not last Option... Just Move forward and don't waste your time on such hosts !!
For those of you still wondering whether or not sales are counted, for me the answer was no. So i switched to ppd to see if mike will sort this problem out. I providing him with proof that i sold an acct since i had a friend purchase it. I gave him both of our ID numbers and he said he would look into it.
I have been working with the site for 6 days and have not made one sale, this has never happened with any other file sharing company.

If its a bug then please fix and prove you are not a scam host.
This host sucks for free users. I mean it is terrible unless this is a short term problem.

This is what my speeds were for today from the US. Netload is this normal for you? Is this what you call good speeds?

265 B/s - 9.9 kB of 175 MB, 8 days left

Of course Mike is helpful, but do you think that sounds interesting to some1 if NL is scaming and do not count sales?

Mate I am really very sad when I saw many peoples saying tha same thing
Netload still owes me 60.44$ which I earned by purchasing premium account on january .

If your comments is right then I am very disappointed
Mike told me in email that I will get paid after 25 th february 2012

So I will wait till 25 th February.

for sale counting - if their is a bug then it should be rectified
and download speed for free user should be rectified
other wise people will never download your file
because 80% of people want free download

So better result netload have to mprove their download speed for free user .
i like netload...im on ppd...i have not problem with netload...

but now i think it's better to close this thread

it's not an official support thread if noone support the user here...
what is affiliate_hash cookie? How do u do that?

i don't , it is the Netload script ,which add this cookie

last the was only one, now i can see 6

one of them the affiliate_hash

i checked it and it was the same in my referral link

so it will refers the file sold to your account

nice improvement in NL ,
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