[official] Netload.in Thread

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To calculate% pay per sale premium is calculated with the exchange of the previous day to pay in USD or EUR is paid and avoids the problem of currency conversion.

1 sale € 64.99 (1year)
€ 1 = $ 1,325 (closing today)
64.99 x1.325 = $ 86.11175
86.11175% 90 = $ 77.500575

Plan2: 90% of sales are made?

There are% of referrals if you refer someone as serious page?
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thanks for PPS any Payment screen-shot plz
Oh and what is the Good way to upload ? FTP's every things plz

Plz Help me to survive as a uploader. this is my User ID: 744983. plz give me premium.If you give i can stat my work with you. Cause i am empty now lost a lot of $$$ from some FH.
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Hello, could you fix files in folders? Files are sort by date and I think sort by name will be better. Also parents folders are good idea I think. Thanks

And is 12$ (when I am plan 1) also from 2 days premium account?

And how much is from refferal? %
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