(Official) MechoDDL - Whitelist and Re-Rate

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Note: Mr Happy has nothing to do with MechoDDL anymore. You can still use this topic and questions will be answered by the MechoDDL team.

Submitting to MechoDDL
If you want to submit to MechoDDL you do not need to PM me or email MechoDDL. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Step One - Link to MechoDDL
First thing you have to do is add the MechoDDL Image Button below. We do not allow new sites to have a text link. If your website has a lot of external links to other DDL sites you will be rejected. We only allow a maximum of 4 DDL Image Buttons and 12 links to other DDL Sites. This should be no problem to 99% of sites as these are more than the Katz Rules. To be honest if you've a lot of external links on your site it's bad for your SEO. If you have some mod or plugin that add's rel="nofollow" make sure to remove it from the MechoDDL Link.
<a href="http://www.mechoddl.com" title="Free Hotfile and Rapidshare Downloads"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Em1OX.gif" border="0" title="Free Hotfile Rapidshare Downloads" alt="RapidShare Hotfile Free Downloads" height="31" width="88" /></a>
Step Two - Register
Go to Webmaster Register and website. You will be sent an email to confirm your email address (as most websites do) and then you will be able to login.
Step Three - Submit
Once you have registered you can submit your downloads following the MechoDDL Rules. As soon as you submit you will see your downloads in the Webmaster Area while they are in the queue. Withing 24 hours your site will be processed. If your site is less than a month old it will not be made wait as we find a lot of kids start sites and they usually die in the first few weeks. Otherwise your site will be given a rating (usually 1 star) and your submits accepted and go live.
Requesting A Re-Rate
To request a Re-Rate just go to the Re-Rate area of the Webmaster Control Panel. My Account then Re-Rate and you can then just click the Request Re-Rate Button. If you don't see the Request Re-Rate Button you will be told how many more submits are required or how long you have to wait for you next re-rate.
A rating history log is also available for you to see your rating history and any other issues with your site.
All re-rates are processed in no more than 24 hours (usually withing a few hours). You will be able to see the result of your re-rate request in the Webmaster Area. An email will also be sent to you confirming your new rating. You can chose not to receive these emails in the Settings in the MechoDDL Webmaster Area.

Ratings - Banned Websites
If your having trouble submitting make sure you check the list of Banned Websites and do whatever steps are necessary before requesting your website to be unbanned. The banned reason is also displayed in the Webmaster area. To get unbanned you can just click the Unban Request Button and you will be unbanned in a few hours providing you have fixed the issues screenshot
Amount you can Submit

We have different amounts websites can submit daily based on your rank. As higher ranked sites generally have better quality Submits we allow them to submit more.
  • 1 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 2 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 3 Star = 30 Submits every 24 hours
  • 4 Star = 40 Submits every 24 hours
  • 5 Star = 50 Submits every 24 hours
Contacting MechoDDL
If your a WJunction member you can just reply here. If it's a private matter you can send and email.
Change Log
11 Feb - Added rule your site must be at least one month old to be accepted.
13 Mar - Reduced number of allowed buttons from 6 to 4.
01 Nov - Thread re-opened. Mr Happy not part of MechoDDL team.
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Ok I think Mr. Happy will not response until they have fixed the bug in the panel. I am whitelisted but can't login to my cpanel with my email, saying "it's not an valid email address"

As Mr. Happy is not replying a bit while, we can surf around other ddl site. :)
I have a queriy regarding the site Warezall.com I have been trying to submit my posts :-


Why is the date showing 31st Dec 1969.

also my site is in the Unbanned list but even then I a unable to submit my posts. It keeps telling me that the site is banned I already tried to cotact but havent got any response. Please help.
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I have a queriy regarding the site Warezall.com I have been trying to submit my posts :-

Why is the date showing 31st Dec 1969.

also my site is in the Unbanned list but even then I a unable to submit my posts. It keeps telling me that the site is banned I already tried to cotact but havent got any response. Please help.

First when I rebuilt the DB back in August some of the sites had corrupt dates. This is why they are showing that date. It's the start of unix time. Like the year 0 in computer terms.

Also you have two email addresses. One is blocked as your only allowed one. I'll PM you and find the one you want to keep

mecho accept adult material??

No sorry we don't currently accept Adult material but have plans to accept it in the future.

Added after 18 minutes:

Sorry Mr Happy, I must be blind as I cant seem to find "Tools" anywhere to get the ff sub tool.

It's in the My Account area. I'll make it more obvious soon and give it it's own direct button soon when I update the FireFox plugin.

My website is showing registered in mechoddl.
My website url: http://www.happy-hdmovies.com.
But I can't login to my webmaster panel. In that panel it's showing invalid email address. I tried to re-register but happy-hdmovies.com is showing already registered.

I don't know what to do?

** I have added button long time ago. :)

Please help

Thank you & regards

Send you a new welcome email to the email address you originally registered with back in December or whenever it was. I'm guessing you forgot which email you used.

Hello Mr Happy ,
Rlsbay.com was not accepted in the first time , i fixed for it the problems you mentioned ... But i don't have any access to the CP to request a re-rate because the account is banned .

Can you please check this ?
Thanks a lot !
Your site is not unbanned. A confirmation email was sent to your email encase you don't see this reply.

Hi Mr. Happy... Well I got into the webmaster cp and am awaiting to be approved. However I went to MechoSubmitter.com Placed the links on my site as designated and waited an hour or so only to be told it cannot find my site when I requested to be on the white list.
the site is :

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you :)

I love this. I ignore you and things fix themselves. You've being submitting for a few days now so it's obviously fixed whatever you were complaining about.

me too, i've been waiting for 2 days 8-)

What's your site?

i can start submmiting mechoddl
Same question as above

Dear Mr. Happy

I already reduced the text links to 12 and request to unban my site: bookviet4a.org.
but my site is still banned.
Please have a look and unban my site please
Best Regards,
Your site and problem was fixed on the 16th of March. Less than 12 hours after you requested to be unbanned.

Dear Mr. Happy , plz re-rate my site , i can't re-rate in my cpanel :(
Again I need to know your site if your having a problem

Your site is not on our whitelist.

Site: paradisew.net

In panel:
Your current site rating is: 1 stars.

Please check! :)
Your using the wrong email. You have to submit with the email you registered with. If you want to submit with a different email address then you can change it in the settings in the Webmaster Area.
Is it ok to submit a new batch of posts after 24 hours if the last batch are still in the queue Mr Happy?
Ya that's fine.

Mr.Happy can you please take a look at this ?

I really need it ASAP :) Thanks !
It's being answered. Your site is unbanned and you can submit. You were also send a confirmation email encase you don't see this reply.

i have blogspot and can i get whitelist if can please pm me
As Mr.KiLLeR said no you can't. We don't accept free domains or free hosting sorry.

how to check a mecho rank..i am sending to them for a while http://www.champions-side.com/
Your banned as we don't accept porn at the moment. Sorry.

Ok I think Mr. Happy will not response until they have fixed the bug in the panel. I am whitelisted but can't login to my cpanel with my email, saying "it's not an valid email address"

As Mr. Happy is not replying a bit while, we can surf around other ddl site. :)
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Send you a new welcome email to the email address you originally registered with back in December or whenever it was. I'm guessing you forgot which email you used.

Dear Mr. Happy,
I have got my new site ratings in happyvalentine73@yahoo.com, but when I was trying to login my wcp shows invalid email address. I didn't forget my own email address. I tried with forgot password process. But still showing invalid email address.

Please check my email thanks.
Hello. When i accepted my site storagebook.org i mistaken with email. I entered storaHebook.org@gmail.com. My real email is storagebook.org@gmail.com. So i can't login to webmaster panel. Please fix it.
Dear Mr. Happy,
I have got my new site ratings in happyvalentine73@yahoo.com, but when I was trying to login my wcp shows invalid email address. I didn't forget my own email address. I tried with forgot password process. But still showing invalid email address.

Please check my email thanks.

I just tried and it works fine. Screenshot me the exact message as I think its the password you have wrong not the email.

If it is the password then just click the forgot password link

Hello. When i accepted my site storagebook.org i mistaken with email. I entered storaHebook.org@gmail.com. My real email is storagebook.org@gmail.com. So i can't login to webmaster panel. Please fix it.

That's now fixed :)

This what I get when I was trying to login to my cpanel of mecho. !!
This is really weird. I've no idea why that is happening to you and only you. That is a jQuery javascript Validation plugin used on thousands of sites. I didn't code it. http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation

I've updated to the latest version. If you are still getting the message can you try on the demo form on the jquery website and tell me if you get the same problem


i have Added Backlink plz unban my site thanks.

Please login to the Webmaster Area and press the unban button like it tells you on the first post on this thread, the webmasters page on Webmasters Page and it said in the email that was sent to you.
Yeah it's my bad luck I guess. Strange things happening to me since i stepped in this warez world!

That's works fine on jquery demo form. I have submitted few downloads to mecho through submitter. Let's see what happen.....

Also, Can you please check again. I don't think there is any other option for me.

Is there any option to change my email coz this is creating problem? I have other email too.
I've removed it for now and will do some more research. It's not that important as it does an additional check anyway after you click the submit button.

Let me know if you can get in now.
mr happy don't you think that now as katz is closed other ddl's should allowed posting dvdrip,minihd rip in topic title?this would be love by guest and if some site just put fake title you should just ban them what say?
mr happy don't you think that now as katz is closed other ddl's should allowed posting dvdrip,minihd rip in topic title?this would be love by guest and if some site just put fake title you should just ban them what say?

I guess , its not a good idea..Katz didnt allow this for a reason and i think they were right..it will mess up all the submissions.. :)
I guess , its not a good idea..Katz didnt allow this for a reason and i think they were right..it will mess up all the submissions.. :)

well personally i think it will be a good idea would you like clicking and clicking several time to get a dvdrip?i guess no so i don't see why it will mess up the submissions,also i don't think high star site will put fake title well for now it just depend on the ddl owners waiting for an answer from them from what i know phaze accept it :D
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