Search results

  1. R

    Seo for site that embems youtube videos?

    Sorry for that. My question is, is it good to name articles on site same as youtube video names for SEO?
  2. R

    Seo for site that embems youtube videos?

    Hi, i have one question, i opened one site, how to site on Serbian langauge, and i wanna know is better to name videos on youtube and articles on site the same, how to make 3D text, or to make two similar but not the sama name. Thanks in advance.
  3. R


    Hi, i have a sports news web site on serbian langauge, but people understand english also. that time that we had 0 dont worked..we have some trouble with hostgator..that we buy vps there..and than work well few days..and we had a...
  4. R

    Buying Facebook Page!

    i have few pages, if you are still looking for it.
  5. R


    reviews my wordpress site please...
  6. R

    Most populars non-adult,non-warez forum?

    I dont wanna serbian forum at all because i know them.. I know fre cro forums..the best will be from based on english langauge.. :) But if you know on other..stil lett me know :)
  7. R

    Most populars non-adult,non-warez forum?

    i can not acces see "The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."
  8. R

    Most populars non-adult,non-warez forum?

    i wanna share funny site have a embem option,and i wanna share on a popular forums ..
  9. R

    Most populars non-adult,non-warez forum?

    What is the most popular forums that not contain not-adult,.non-warez .. I need forum that are leagily everycountry exept Serbian.. Thanks in advance
  10. R

    What ads you use?

    both can not be add on warez, i send apliction on any other ?
  11. R

    What ads you use?

    yes,adbite is preatz week..and they dont uprove us..dont know waz..they transfer us black label ads..but ads are pornographic ..i dont wana that
  12. R

    What ads you use?

    can someone help me..what ads to add on mine forum ?
  13. R

    What ads you use?

    I never heard of WJ adspot post, much they pay for 1000 impressions?
  14. R

    WTF $7,200,000,00

    spam,never trust! i got 100 e-mail like that
  15. R

    What ads you use?

    What ads you use on warez forums?
  16. R

    Selling My Warez + Soccer forum

    I am seling for 600$.. PageRank: 3 Domain Created Date: 2010-03-23 Domain Age: 1 Year, 104 Days on this site worth 4.000.$ on this 1.225$...
  17. R

    Hiring Someone to make youtube presentation

    I send a message z:)