(Official) MechoDDL - Whitelist and Re-Rate

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Note: Mr Happy has nothing to do with MechoDDL anymore. You can still use this topic and questions will be answered by the MechoDDL team.

Submitting to MechoDDL
If you want to submit to MechoDDL you do not need to PM me or email MechoDDL. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Step One - Link to MechoDDL
First thing you have to do is add the MechoDDL Image Button below. We do not allow new sites to have a text link. If your website has a lot of external links to other DDL sites you will be rejected. We only allow a maximum of 4 DDL Image Buttons and 12 links to other DDL Sites. This should be no problem to 99% of sites as these are more than the Katz Rules. To be honest if you've a lot of external links on your site it's bad for your SEO. If you have some mod or plugin that add's rel="nofollow" make sure to remove it from the MechoDDL Link.
<a href="http://www.mechoddl.com" title="Free Hotfile and Rapidshare Downloads"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Em1OX.gif" border="0" title="Free Hotfile Rapidshare Downloads" alt="RapidShare Hotfile Free Downloads" height="31" width="88" /></a>
Step Two - Register
Go to Webmaster Register and website. You will be sent an email to confirm your email address (as most websites do) and then you will be able to login.
Step Three - Submit
Once you have registered you can submit your downloads following the MechoDDL Rules. As soon as you submit you will see your downloads in the Webmaster Area while they are in the queue. Withing 24 hours your site will be processed. If your site is less than a month old it will not be made wait as we find a lot of kids start sites and they usually die in the first few weeks. Otherwise your site will be given a rating (usually 1 star) and your submits accepted and go live.
Requesting A Re-Rate
To request a Re-Rate just go to the Re-Rate area of the Webmaster Control Panel. My Account then Re-Rate and you can then just click the Request Re-Rate Button. If you don't see the Request Re-Rate Button you will be told how many more submits are required or how long you have to wait for you next re-rate.
A rating history log is also available for you to see your rating history and any other issues with your site.
All re-rates are processed in no more than 24 hours (usually withing a few hours). You will be able to see the result of your re-rate request in the Webmaster Area. An email will also be sent to you confirming your new rating. You can chose not to receive these emails in the Settings in the MechoDDL Webmaster Area.

Ratings - Banned Websites
If your having trouble submitting make sure you check the list of Banned Websites and do whatever steps are necessary before requesting your website to be unbanned. The banned reason is also displayed in the Webmaster area. To get unbanned you can just click the Unban Request Button and you will be unbanned in a few hours providing you have fixed the issues screenshot
Amount you can Submit

We have different amounts websites can submit daily based on your rank. As higher ranked sites generally have better quality Submits we allow them to submit more.
  • 1 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 2 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 3 Star = 30 Submits every 24 hours
  • 4 Star = 40 Submits every 24 hours
  • 5 Star = 50 Submits every 24 hours
Contacting MechoDDL
If your a WJunction member you can just reply here. If it's a private matter you can send and email.
Change Log
11 Feb - Added rule your site must be at least one month old to be accepted.
13 Mar - Reduced number of allowed buttons from 6 to 4.
01 Nov - Thread re-opened. Mr Happy not part of MechoDDL team.
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War3z Is 3* now, so i think i can submit 30 downloads per day but still when i submitted 20, it seems like i cant submit more?

Yes you can submit 30. Just submit you'll be fine. That just needs to update and will soon as you've just changed rank. Congratz on that by the way. Just ignore it for today.

On another off topic note:
I've decided from now on I'm going to make sure guests can leave replies to topics. Often webmasters don't allow Guests to leave replies in download areas and have topics locked or make them register. I don't think this is right as they can leave replies like it's the wrong version, their's no subtitles and it's in Russian etc etc.

From now on if you want to be approved or want a re-rate Guests must be able to leave a comment. For forums and Wordpress it's just a matter of changing settings. I don't mind if the comments are put in moderation queues as long as they can leave a comment.

This rule is Effective immediately
Happy that is not a good idea, as there are rivals to sites, hence people can come post their "mirrors" which we all know can be fake/surveys/infected. Although your intentions are good, the fact is that it's simple to post misleading links or to post comments that degrade the download even though it is a legitimate one.

When they post lies in the topic, other people who come to download, will see the negative comments and will not download, thus hurting a site's rep.

Overall it's a good idea, but it just takes a few bad comments and a site's rep can be put in peril.
Happy that is not a good idea, as there are rivals to sites, hence people can come post their "mirrors" which we all know can be fake/surveys/infected. Although your intentions are good, the fact is that it's simple to post misleading links or to post comments that degrade the download even though it is a legitimate one.

When they post lies in the topic, other people who come to download, will see the negative comments and will not download, thus hurting a site's rep.

Overall it's a good idea, but it just takes a few bad comments and a site's rep can be put in peril.
+1 snow.

I submit a post, some asshole adds phishing links in his comment, my site gets banned......pretty cool.......huh !?
^^ That will look more mess dude :(

No it wont and here's why. If you have lots of comments then the page keeps changing and updating. This means Google visits it more and Google can count comments. If it sees lots of comments it presumes the topic is more important and increases it's rank in search results. I know this as I've being testing it for months on some small test sites I have. Google loves active topics.

The other thing is if you've lots of good comments you get way way more downloads. Take a look at Warez-BB for example. Would you download links from a topic with 500 replies or from a topic with zero replies. I wouldn't even bother opening the topic with zero replies.

It will also show me more which websites and webmasters work more and deserve a higher rank. Lazy webmasters who don't answer questions like how do I open the rar file (basic I know but this is often asked) will be punished while helpful webmasters will be rewarded.
Topics which are filled with spam don't deserve to submit as it shows they are lazy and just after downloads and money.
Most great sites already allow comments and have no problem controling spam. For example Mr-R-T and his site HQ-Uploads.com allow comments.

If your worried about spam add a captcha or in worst case moderate them. Their are also mods that prevent people posting mirrors in replies.

+1 snow.

I submit a post, some asshole comment with my phishing links, my site gets banned......pretty cool.......huh !?
You don't even submit but if you did I know their obviously not phishing links.
Mr.Happy, one more question , how many submissions i can submit for a 1* site? (Extreme-Warez.Org)
??? Mr.Happy ???

Read the first post.

Amount you can Submit
We have different amounts websites can submit daily based on your rank. As higher ranked sites generally have better quality Submits we allow them to submit more.
  • 1 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 2 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 3 Star = 30 Submits every 24 hours
  • 4 Star = 40 Submits every 24 hours
  • 5 Star = 50 Submits every 24 hours
Hey you you check my account with mechodownloads as it wont leave me into the webmasters area.For the site instawarez.net and check what email is with that site.
Hey you you check my account with mechodownloads as it wont leave me into the webmasters area.For the site instawarez.net and check what email is with that site.

email: sent via PM.
url: instawarez.net
rating: Banned
reason: Remove the nofollow from the MechoDDL image button.
date: 23 December 2010

If you need the email changed let me know. If you want to unban you site just add the button or remove the nofollow and then login to the webmaster area and click the Request UnBan button.

Any other problems or questions just let me know.

Thanks for Rerating my site..!
no problem.. congratz :)
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