(Official) MechoDDL - Whitelist and Re-Rate

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Note: Mr Happy has nothing to do with MechoDDL anymore. You can still use this topic and questions will be answered by the MechoDDL team.

Submitting to MechoDDL
If you want to submit to MechoDDL you do not need to PM me or email MechoDDL. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Step One - Link to MechoDDL
First thing you have to do is add the MechoDDL Image Button below. We do not allow new sites to have a text link. If your website has a lot of external links to other DDL sites you will be rejected. We only allow a maximum of 4 DDL Image Buttons and 12 links to other DDL Sites. This should be no problem to 99% of sites as these are more than the Katz Rules. To be honest if you've a lot of external links on your site it's bad for your SEO. If you have some mod or plugin that add's rel="nofollow" make sure to remove it from the MechoDDL Link.
<a href="http://www.mechoddl.com" title="Free Hotfile and Rapidshare Downloads"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Em1OX.gif" border="0" title="Free Hotfile Rapidshare Downloads" alt="RapidShare Hotfile Free Downloads" height="31" width="88" /></a>
Step Two - Register
Go to Webmaster Register and website. You will be sent an email to confirm your email address (as most websites do) and then you will be able to login.
Step Three - Submit
Once you have registered you can submit your downloads following the MechoDDL Rules. As soon as you submit you will see your downloads in the Webmaster Area while they are in the queue. Withing 24 hours your site will be processed. If your site is less than a month old it will not be made wait as we find a lot of kids start sites and they usually die in the first few weeks. Otherwise your site will be given a rating (usually 1 star) and your submits accepted and go live.
Requesting A Re-Rate
To request a Re-Rate just go to the Re-Rate area of the Webmaster Control Panel. My Account then Re-Rate and you can then just click the Request Re-Rate Button. If you don't see the Request Re-Rate Button you will be told how many more submits are required or how long you have to wait for you next re-rate.
A rating history log is also available for you to see your rating history and any other issues with your site.
All re-rates are processed in no more than 24 hours (usually withing a few hours). You will be able to see the result of your re-rate request in the Webmaster Area. An email will also be sent to you confirming your new rating. You can chose not to receive these emails in the Settings in the MechoDDL Webmaster Area.

Ratings - Banned Websites
If your having trouble submitting make sure you check the list of Banned Websites and do whatever steps are necessary before requesting your website to be unbanned. The banned reason is also displayed in the Webmaster area. To get unbanned you can just click the Unban Request Button and you will be unbanned in a few hours providing you have fixed the issues screenshot
Amount you can Submit

We have different amounts websites can submit daily based on your rank. As higher ranked sites generally have better quality Submits we allow them to submit more.
  • 1 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 2 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 3 Star = 30 Submits every 24 hours
  • 4 Star = 40 Submits every 24 hours
  • 5 Star = 50 Submits every 24 hours
Contacting MechoDDL
If your a WJunction member you can just reply here. If it's a private matter you can send and email.
Change Log
11 Feb - Added rule your site must be at least one month old to be accepted.
13 Mar - Reduced number of allowed buttons from 6 to 4.
01 Nov - Thread re-opened. Mr Happy not part of MechoDDL team.
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can u please add linkplz & DevilsDivine to mechosubmitter , that would be good, i can use that to submit , i can put the downloads manually :(

No Sorry . we only have 14 ddl websites according to the katz rule as most of webmasters follow their rules ( 4 buttons - 10 links )

When will adding MechoSubmitter FireFox Auto Submitter Addon?

I'm updating the DDLs List on MechoSubmitter. Need to Update the Firefox Plugin after that too of course .

All these things will takes few days so i guess next week it can be added .
Mr Happy, U told we can ask for rerate in 2 weeks. But First i saw in d webmaster Area to complete 200 submissions wen i did that thn i saw i need to wait 18 more days. Means total 31 days. I dunno why this is happening.

My question unanswered?

Here's how it works.

The script first checks how many submits you have. Each rate requires a certain amount of submits. For one star sites it's 150 submits I think. If they have enough submits it then checks how long it has being since the last re-rate and makes sure you wait at least 30 days before requesting a re-rate.

The different site ranks require you to have different amounts of submits and different time periods.

Everything is automated and the same for everyone. It was very unfair the old system people emailing and sending PM's asking for re-rates every 2-3 weeks.

This new system is very easy to understand, very fair and extremely fast and easy to use however if you have any problems using it let me know.
whats about the mecho point ?
is it automatic process or manual ?
i reported 1 download with all dead links 2-3 days ago just to check,then i should have 1 mecho point isnt it ?
But still i have 0
its not that i am dying for that 1 mecho point :D ,just want to inform you ...
I think its still a beta process
yes i so aggree with Mr.Happy Rerate System that so fair...but my submit still on Qouqe can't push button re-rate hehhehehe
Wait two minutes so and I'll do the queue now.

whats about the mecho point ?
is it automatic process or manual ?
i reported 1 download with all dead links 2-3 days ago just to check,then i should have 1 mecho point isnt it ?
But still i have 0
its not that i am dying for that 1 mecho point :D ,just want to inform you ...
I think its still a beta process
ya that's not fully working yet. It's still recording the data but I have to add the mechos to accounts manually. I'll be making an announcement about that soon when it's finished. I though I'd finish coding it over the holidays but I seam to wake up every morning with a hangover and get very little done.
Mr Happy I have much more than the required submits. I originally got re-rated on 28th Nov. Then on 12th Dec I was doing some research and forgot to remove rel = nofollow due to which my site got banned. In few hrs I removed it and I had pm'd you about it apologizing if you remember. It wasn't left on purpose as I had removed it for all the other links and forgot about mecho and another 2.

Because of this I have to wait 30 days from the ban date. Can you do something in my case so that I can apply for rerate on 28th Dec please mate (ie 30 days from the original re-rate date) ?
@ Kiddo: Sorry you have to wait till the 12th of January or whenever the day it says is.

@ cyber.crime: don't worry it's only another day :)
Damn need to wait 18 more days.My Traffic from Mecho has been very poor even after 200 Submits Just got 60 vists frm Mecho.
[SLIDE] http://lulzimg.com/i02/9f33bbf4.bmp [/SLIDE]
what about your auto submitter? couldnt submit anything for last 2 days... today it just stuck at one submission site, and i got about 6 mails from them how my submits were received
Hello Sir.
Submitted some downloads.

Site URL: PaperCreed.com

Request for whitelist

Your site is unbanned now that the MechoDDL button was added. You should be able to login to the Webmaster Area, Submit downloads etc.

Any other problems let me know :)

As for the FireFox Plugin that's coming soon. I don't really know much about that as someone else is running that part.
How do I delete submissions for my site?

You should be able to see a delete link when your logged into the site at the far right of the line.


^^ That view is admin so you'll only see the delete link for links to your site. No point letting your delete your own links :P
They should also be highlighted in red I think. Can't remember. Coded that part a long time ago. If you have a lot you want removed PM me and I'll mass delete them in the AdminCP which is faster.
I see errors

Fatal error: Call to undefined function logout() in /home/mechoddl/public_html/connect.php on line 118

Fix it

BTW why dont u add a XXX section nowadays almost every DDLs are adding the XXX section
You should be able to see a delete link when your logged into the site at the far right of the line.


^^ That view is admin so you'll only see the delete link for links to your site. No point letting your delete your own links :P
They should also be highlighted in red I think. Can't remember. Coded that part a long time ago. If you have a lot you want removed PM me and I'll mass delete them in the AdminCP which is faster.

Thank you.
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