Official Launch: Triple Payment Plan. Get Paid, 20%PPD + 50%PPS + 50%Rebi

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your upload has trouble,when i not log in to my account it's easy to upload by browser,after i log in to my account ,it's hard to upload by browser ,you can check it
@ Bitis: Well noted. It's just an oversight. Will take it off. :-)
We are looking to the upload issues. Hope you do bear with us. Will keep you posted.

@comebacktome: Looking to resolve the waiting time. :-)
do you provide an account premium for uploader ?
FSN used to limit 400mb but now they lift that limit,i hope you lift that limit for many uploader join with you ,i will try uploading with your host
I agree with Doctor007
FS size limit is 1 GB per file for free users
so if you increased free users limited file size to 1 GB it will be nice
you can't get into competition with 400 mb file size limit !!
I like your rates but I'm waiting for file size to be 1 GB
otherwise I as well as alot of uploaders won't use Filefat :(
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Today, 11:26 AM #43


Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 252
Rep Power: 1

your upload has trouble,when i not log in to my account it's easy to upload by browser,after i log in to my account ,it's hard to upload by browser ,you can check it

@ Bitis: Please contact support here: . I believe your issue has been resolved, however, please don’t hesitate to draw their attention to it, when you have technical problems. Cheers.
Today, 02:12 PM #50


Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 78
Rep Power: 1

Nice Filehost and nice support here........good luck FileFat
@ ArthonaD87: Thanks mate. :-)

Today, 01:34 PM #49


Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 74
Rep Power: 1

________________________________________@FileFat remote upload not working

@ Duma: Please PM me your location. We are having some problems with FS. Will look into it; Cheers.

Today, 12:34 PM #45


Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 58
Rep Power: 1

Faced Some upload problems
Hope it gets better soon

@ Doctor007: I hope the issue has been resolved. Let me know if you are still having problems and PM your location to investigate. Cheers.
This is your Email

Another setting we have is to protect us from paying you guys too much, is when we delete a file of yours due to DMCA, or because it is earning too much... you will lose all earnings from this file from your current balance.
I Think by these changes U Wrote the death certificate of your affliate program before it is even born
Did U Ever hear from any respected filehost that they take back the money if the file is earning too much ?
Even if it is deleted due to DMCA , No respected file host does this
from where did u get this idea ?
I think it is from hell

U Should think about this again

Otherwise U will lose the few new uploaders U had in last few days
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