Dedicated [NL]

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Sandin0 you are a moron half the hosts here are on nulled and so you decide to pick on the new guy how pathetic you are you know why everyone is leaving wj ? its pricks like you sticking your big nose in places it don't belong so just for you here is a list of hosts with nulled WHMCS go pick on them you bully: = nulled WHMCS = nulled WHMCS = nulled WHMCS = nulled WHMCS = nulled WHMCS

do i carry on ? or should you pull your thumb out of your arse and keep to your on threads -.-

lol... as you see most of those hosts have failed.
and some could have bought their license from a different place, instead of directly form (meaning it would seem like they have a nulled whmcs, but relly don't)
i love m33-host you can chat to gigawiz on msn messenger and he will help you set up any script he set up nulled vbulletin in less than 15 minutes for me and even installed some plugins! I would reccommend buying hosting from here! There uptime is gr8 my site hasnt been down once yet! :d
ya guys listen to the raciest hacker!
ur dead kkk_hacker99... so help me god if i see you all ur shit is gone..... mods pls delete this whole topic cause of kkk my host is gone...... theres no sense in keeping the post for something not there.... maybe in the future...
Funny enough i had that exact same person try to get a free account with us, but i did not accept it.

what did he do?
he rooted my server and screwed all my databases the hell up.... word of advice, never host him, dont even talk to him.... this isnt the first time he has rooted sites.... he used to do it for fun..... he supposedly "quit" but obviously not. like i said DONT HOST HIS ASS, if hes done this to me hes probably gonna do it again.

*EDIT* it wasnt him who rooted.... was spammed by ims was actually boxhead.
and to top it off his buddy chris screwed me outta $25... i paid $25 for a vps and he took money, and just gave me a shared account. the host he hes is my suggestion is dont use them either as kkk has all info including root passes to the server he uses.
i didnt accept anyways as it seemed dodgy to me.

Also i see profit said he got hacked by someone called chris and that host, so appears its all linked into one.

Did you not have backups?
i hadnt had a backup in like a week. my host said he was able to get a backup but direct admin told him the databases are infected
@kkk sorry mate, i was flooded with ims saying it was you. im told it was actually boxhead.

@ boxhead idk what you think you found on there, but all my db's were from my sites. and only people with access were me and host.

@ host nl and chris, im still pissed that you ripped me off $25 and im not taking that crap back.
Yes I did own your box but I didnt delet your database so if it got deleted someone else did that :P

There also was a couple of people watching me hack your server maby they had something to do with it who knows..

*EDIT*: Forgot to mention I have a full backup of your database if your in need of it private message me :)
well he's deleted all my db's and my ftp crap is gone... but i did find out that he has done this before with a php script that is supposed to drop all tables, and a guy who stopped him by locking all tables and sending him a message that said "Box Head I see you"
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