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  1. B


    yea we could go to Blind sql injections couldnt we :D
  2. B


    not really what? and yea it can be pretty easy once you learn it :) Give me an example of some if you wouldn't mind.
  3. B


    Thats why I said basics :) And most kids know these techniques by pre-made scripts written in PHP and perl.
  4. B

    Help me buy domain in godaddy

    namecheap a lot better comes with whois proxy guard.
  5. B

    Dedicated [NL]

    you make me rofl :)
  6. B


    Hello I am boxhead :) Some of you may have herd of me, some of you may have no idea who I am. I enjoy hacking and dropping the doxes to the public. I like the challenge and I like to see how to prevent such attacks as well. Not much of a coder but I know my basics of web prog PHP, mySQL, and...
  7. B

    Dedicated [NL]

    Yes I did own your box but I didnt delet your database so if it got deleted someone else did that :P There also was a couple of people watching me hack your server maby they had something to do with it who knows.. *EDIT*: Forgot to mention I have a full backup of your database if your in...