- Discussion Thread.

this is very long time
its impossible for me to pause more than 4 hours , or i will lose so many stuff
please decrease the time and i will pause the upload

man ,nitro just started getting burst of sales
if I drop it for 1/3 of day , it will take week to get proper sales again

please don't ever go down for such long time

please mate
this will hurt nitro in my site
I can pause for 4 hours [which I haven't done for 4 years]
lol, your business dies because of 4 down hours ? that is ridiculous ...
this is very long time
its impossible for me to pause more than 4 hours , or i will lose so many stuff
please decrease the time and i will pause the upload

man ,nitro just started getting burst of sales
if I drop it for 1/3 of day , it will take week to get proper sales again

please don't ever go down for such long time

please mate
this will hurt nitro in my site
I can pause for 4 hours [which I haven't done for 4 years]

You never sleep, bro? Which drug do you use?
You can get sales from other hosters (mirrors) meanwhile...
@Securita : There's difference between nitro and RG when it reaches the ownership! Your friend[lol] =RG listens and when he sees wise word ,follows it -nitro does what he decides! ,My site is not as popular as yours [hehehe ,I know You!] and this down-time does damage to me ,I can imagine what trouble brings for you , but let us give Jonnie the credit of not going down like old days ! he has done remarkable upgrade in last years
@Securita not everything is money in this life, buddy. Take a well deserved break and then return to your activities when the site is back up.
Why do you want to earn the enormous amounts of money you're currently earning if you can't even spend it properly or don't have the time to enjoy them? We only have one life, bro.

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