- Discussion Thread.

Few questions on the new BW plan.

Why can't I buy the 500 GB BW with my money that I already have in my account?

Why can I buy it only with my credit card or webmoney?

I bought 6 months of premium for the 50 GB BW/daily and now I only get 25 GB/daily. I don't think this move is fair for me and others like me that bought the premium only for the BW.

I understand that you want to fight off leechers but how can I explain to my users that bought premium accounts from my links that now you can't download 50 GB but only 25 GB?
please change to montly dowload limit

because we dont download every day sometimes only 100MB

sometimes need 30GB / day, sometimes only use 2GB

if daily limit like this

the unused bandwidht/quota/limit will vanish in vain

thank you for considering my feedback
the new 25gig limit ... not good

Just bought 4 months premium weeks ago, for downloading blurays from blogs, they are around 40 gigabytes each, so i was able to get one in one go, until now. Besides i paid for 50gig/day and able to get half of it, i feel i got cheated.
@sztalin same here. I bought a premium account to download TV and Movies. I thought 50 GB BW/daily was a little. But now with this new change 25 GB BW/daily it's hard to download all the files I need.

And like @sztalin I paid for 50 GB BW daily so it's hard not to feel cheated by this change.

Nitroflare has to bring back the 50 GB BW limit for us that bought premium accounts and after our premium expires can impose the new 25 GB BW limit on us.
I think it would be better like this:
1-month - 25GB/day +200 GB
3-months - 25Gb/day +500 GB
6-months - 25Gb/day +1200 GB
1-year - 25GB/day +2500 - 3000 GB

In this case, people would not feel cheated . And it would make more sense to buy a large premium .
Hey guys,

As probably most of you have seen, we have changed our daily download limit from 50 gigs to 25 gigs.
To compensate this move we introduced the option to purchase additional bandwidth for those who choose to do so.

As this kicks off we might have a few difficulties here and there and I will be here assisting those who may need help
or just want to pass on some helpful feedback. I have addressed the issue with jonnie that some users
wish to pay with other payment options (bitcoin one of them) and we will discuss this as this develops.
Purchasing extra bandwidth with uploader balance is not available, only premium is.

I understand this move may has come as a surprise to some users but I want to assure you
that we are doing our very best to balance our service and provide the most valuable experience to our downloaders and uploaders alike!
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Like mentioned in our introduction
email sent to you, this is an unusual move but will have many benefits in the future.

Feel free to pm me with any questions/inquires/feedback you might have
or contact our support at:
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100$ = 1TB 8)
Are you crazy?
HDD 2TB costs less

This too much price for traffic, no one will buy !

First they have stoled our sales. Secon they have cheated all users. A think nitro will be closed soon. It will be very good!

For someone who is consistently dissatisfied with us you seem to follow this thread quite a lot.
Why not use this time for more constructive means and address any issues you have with me privately? or conversely, use a file host that more suits your needs.
If you're looking for feedback, here's some in case you choose to consider it.

Bandwidth gets cheaper by the day, so to begin with, a move that cuts bandwidth in half just doesn't make sense. I know you're looking to control leechers but an en-masse reduction in bandwidth doesn't even begin to be a viable solution. To prevent a handful of abusers, you decide to punish your entire user base.

This *MIGHT* not have been as bad as it is (and it's very bad) if you did not already charge obscene "fees" on your premium prices. Those fees make no sense. Maybe, yes, they're justified for credit card purchases, but I would expect a filehost to share costs not push them all on the clients. Essentially, pretty much every aspect of your service appears to punish your end users (your customers, the people who pay you and are the lifeblood of your service) for the sake of yourself and your uploaders.

I mean, the BITCOIN payment method has fees associated with it. How does that even make sense? Bitcoin is the single payment method that charges no fees whatsoever, yet somehow, you feel the need to tack on an additional 20% (!!!) for 'processing'.

Onward to this change, you cut bandwidth in half. That's 25GB of daily download quota that has been taken away. That rounds to 750GB/month. Last night, when you sent out the mass mail, your prices were $20 for 500GB. Keeping that price in mind, every client will need to pay $30/month extra for bandwidth if they want the same level of bandwidth. So, how is this change 'for the better' any more than it is 'to squeeze as much money as we can from our clients while we're still alive'?

Unfortunately, it gets worse. This morning, the prices changed and 100GB was $20. That's an additional $150 per MONTH to retain the previous levels of bandwidth. How many clients do you think will even go for that? Who in their right mind would?

It would be wiser for me to just buy a second account for $12 (plus tons of 'processing fees') and get back the 50GB/month over 2 accounts, for a lot less than $150/month on the same account. I'm pretty sure all those 'leechers' you're attempting to block with this move will do exactly this; just double their accounts for a cheaper solution. Yes, you'll double your revenue from THEM, but they're not the clients you want.

As for the legitimate users like me, we'll simply migrate to an alternative. There's no way in hell I'll pay $15.60/month for 25GB/day download quota. I'm sure I'll find alternatives, as will other downloaders like me. And we vote with our wallets, so if we stop buying, the uploaders will have to migrate if they wish to continue earning off of us.

Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but I most certainly feel that this is a terrible, terrible move. It seems nothing less than an attempt to gouge as much money as you can from your existing clients, and your new clients too (because you don't indicate this quota anywhere; it's a rude surprise). Nothing about this decision has been thought out in advance. The fact that you changed prices twice in less than 24 hours, and are (apparently) revising them again is proof enough.

In a day and age where bandwidth gets cheaper every day, this move will only see you losing long term users.
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Are you crazy? i buyed premium account for daily 50GB.
Now 25GB. I not wanting buy extra bandwith. I not using anymore Nitroflare.
I hope very soon your site close due to copyright.
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For someone who is consistently dissatisfied with us you seem to follow this thread quite a lot.
Why not use this time for more constructive means and address any issues you have with me privately? or conversely, use a file host that more suits your needs.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]A think nitro will be closed soon. It will be very good!
Do you understand me?[/FONT]

where are 3 of my ftp-uploaded files ???

i can't see/use this files in my nitroflare folder

but can see this 3 uploaded files via filezilla in a "ftp folder"

(uploaded: 28th Mar)

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Hello everyone,

I have been browsing through all of your complaints and
I clearly understand the reactions, with that in mind I would like
to share with you inside-information that most of you might not know.
In that past, rougly 6-8 years ago, everything was easy and convenient.
Server storage, payment gateways, etc'. Everything was cheap and customers
purchased relentlessly.

Unfortunately times have changed, and nowadays it is getting increasingly
difficult to hold our website online.
This whole mess started little more than 2 years back when Server-Storage
companies and banks have decided to blacklist Filesharing websites and
as you may know, big sites such as: Hotfile, Rapidshare, Megaupload began melting away
and others shut down completely.

We at NitroFlare do everything we can to persevere and survive these
rough circumstances: Collaborating with copyright holders and removing
infringing files on time, developing a special and advanced tool for them
wasn't easy but we have successfully managed to do so.

We currently employ a crew of over 30 employees that include: Programmers, Lawyers,
Support Representatives, Security Experts, Marketing and more. They go over the
files and all that is associated with security including Frauds and credit-card theft
and are dealing with these issues on a 24-hour basis.

The only banks that agreed to work with us are banks that demand high fees
which may lead to transactions having commision rates of 30-35%, depending
on what credit-card is used and the country of the user originates in.
In addition, we pay 70% of every purchase and rebill to affiliates and uploaders
(and another 10% to webmasters).
We own over 100 servers, each of them is sitting on a 10GBPS broadband,
could you just imagine the cost of all of this?

Most people today use torrents and as the popularity of it rises so does
the usage of file hosting sites diminishes, which makes all of us lose profit.
I am not going to discuess daily expenses we have to deal with but it is imperative
of me to mention a very important thing.

Every change or adjustment we do to our prices in our site, all of it, is means of survival.
To continue paying our affiliates and all the while keeping our customers happy. We do not wish
to become our competitors and turn our affiliates to victims.

I hope I have clearified our view well.
I thank you all for being part of this activity called NitroFlare,
thanks to you we are still standing proud and offering great service.

Jonnie: bla bla bla..
funny price. [:P]

1 Month 14.4$ (12$+Fee): 25GBX30 Days=Total: 750GB

BUT EXTRA BANDWITH: --> How old are you? Because illogical[meh]
Price $20.00 100GB
Price $35.00 250GB
Price $60.00 500GB
Price $100.00 1TB
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Dear Jonnie ,
Please, make more adequate prices for the additional traffic. For example: 500GB = 15$, 1TB = 25$, 2TB=45$, 3TB=65$, 5TB=100$
Pay 20$ for 100 Gb and 100$ for 1 TB is unwise.
Otherwise I will have to find additional file hosting because people do not want to buy extra traffic at these prices. I often upload large files and 25 GB is not enought for premium users.
And I have a question.
Uploaders have their % of the sale of additional traffic?
Sorry for my english.
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