- Discussion Thread.

If you have doubt, why you working with them? there are plenty of hosts to use. Anything can happen, If mighty megaupload can die, NF is nothing to that old mega, so it can disappear too. But as long as it is on service, you can only assume,which is useless. Just stay away if you dont like

Thanks. I appreciate your suggestion.

But, the problem is i have more than 90$ in my Nitroflare account. I don't want to lose this money. So i am waiting i have new sale then can reach Minimum Withdrawal 100$

After got Minimum Withdrawal, i will withdraw and say goodbye to this file host.

But it seem Jonnie frozen affs sale now, so i could not reach Minimum Withdrawal. Hence might i will lost 90$ soon

how about you who have nearly 100$ on Nitroflare account?

rukos i had 88$ yesterday and today got 2 sales and my balance is 104$ now
there is nothing frozen i am working with them sins 6 month and i never face that problem near 100$
any one have issued uploading.
mean whatever method used web upload/ftp/plugin based uploader tools not a single files appeared on account manager.
i posted some forum....but worried if those files bring sales then i can't get anything as no files will show on my account.
i can't change anything.
Jonny tell programmer to fix all give credit to original uploader, not good for us...
P.S. this issue is not first time, it happened before...that time minor issue.
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any one have issued uploading.
mean whatever method used web upload not a single files appeared on account manager.
i posted some forum....but worried if those files bring sales then i can't get anything as no files will show on my account.
Jonny tell programmer to fix all. thanks.

same problem here
''This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by CloudFlare | Hide this Alert''
All the stats problem has been fixed, the servers dates just changed wrongly.
all is ok now.

Added after 5 minutes:

What are you talking about?
please show screen shot.

I use google Chrome. When I click on button "Open links" I see empty space. I can see my link ONLY after click on button "Watch".
We will fix that too, very soon.
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hi, I want to ask

why I just earn 5% from premium price when someone buy through my link (

how to earn 70% from one premium sales as affiliate

is there any missing procedure which I must follow

thank very much for the information

This is like for banner link, to earn 70% you have to upload a files and post the links.

you should think about change this and make it like other where site owner can earn.
maybe this why big forums no want allow you until now

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