- Discussion Thread.

Dear Users,

We decided to disable plan B and C (PPD/MIX) and to allow only PLAN A (70% PPS + Rebills).
The PPD is not worth for both sides, us and you.
If you want to earn money, you have to use PPS Plan (Plan A).
All who already use Plan B , C, will be changed to Plan A automatically.


May I ask who are you to decide wheter a specific plan is worth it or not for me? Plan C was working really nice for me. That's why I actually kept using your host...Now you only "allow" plan A. Well, thanks for that :thumbdown:
Plan B and C never looked good to me anyway. I am ok with this change.
The highest rate for PPD was like $25 for 1000 Tier 1 downloads?
You can get $25 for just 3 sales. If you can't get 3 sales out of 1000 downloads, you are doing something wrong I think.

This file is available with Premium only. Reason: this file is larger than 1024mb. :facepalm:

50 kb/s speed is very good for sales, but should be 2GB free downloads !
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I already know that files with at least one download are stored permanently, but
what about files that are actually downloaded but are not counted in stats because it was
downloaded by same IP within 24 hours?

For example, a visitor downloaded my file, which counted as 1 download in stats,
then within 24 hours the same visitor downloaded, which did not count as a download in stats and still show as 0 download.
In this case, will the file be stored permanently?
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I already know that files with at least one download are stored permanently, but
what about files that are actually downloaded but are not counted in stats because it was
downloaded by same IP within 24 hours?

For example, a visitor downloaded my file, which counted as 1 download in stats,
then within 24 hours the same visitor downloaded, which did not count as a download in stats and still show as 0 download.
In this case, will the file be stored permanently?

Its not make sense what you saying, if passed 24 hours, you will get another download in stats.
He means that the same user downloads 2 or more unique files within 24h.
How will this affect the permanent storage rule (if file gets downloaded 1 time it will be stored forever)?
Will all files be stored forever or just the 1st?
I already know that files with at least one download are stored permanently, but
what about files that are actually downloaded but are not counted in stats because it was
downloaded by same IP within 24 hours?

For example, a visitor downloaded my file, which counted as 1 download in stats,
then within 24 hours the same visitor downloaded, which did not count as a download in stats and still show as 0 download.
In this case, will the file be stored permanently?

You have 90 days to get just 1 click to make your file stored permanently , if you didn't get 1 click in a whole 90 days why do you want keep that file ?
or if you really want it , click on it by yourself :))

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