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Added after 3 minutes:

Will you want to compensate us our money?
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I am using cloudflare on my site too and there are 1000 of other sites using cloudflare, but none have such slow speed.

Nitroflare should refund premium users, we didn't pay for this

Added after 1:

Now 520 error, what is wrong with these guys. whenever I find time to download anything, their site is down. :facepalm:
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Apart from the possibility of DDoS attacks & any maintenance that may occur at nitro, but because of the countless other probs I've had with this host over a period of time this host has once again been blacklisted at my forums

These images are but just a few of the probs I have with nitro.

Access denied when trying to check links or even trying to get to nitro homepage via google search

This image was from just trying to d/load a link as a free user, does not happen on all links though

Image from clicking on nitro accounts page
sometimes not working, sometimes working but really slow, sometimes "under construction DDoS attack", sometimes paygate problem, sometimes download error.

please fix it as soon as possible, dont tell us everything fine because it's not "fine" like this.
Hey guys,

We are experiencing a heavy ddos assault on our
servers and working as fast as possible to resolve this issue
and protect our subscribers.

Compensation will be given after the down time.

Apologies for the inconvenience guys... I know it sucks.
I'll be here to answer questions so feel free to PM me.


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