- Discussion Thread.

and again...

Everything is fine now, we had a small problem that has been fixed. today we will move to new Datacenter where no have any complaints with our bussines.

Free download is currently unavailable due to overloading in the server.
Please try again later or
purchase a premium
and download immediately."

How about geting some servers (and corresponding software) that works for Christmas? That surely would be a miracle!

Everything is fine now, we had a small problem that has been fixed. today we will move to new Datacenter where no have any complaints with our bussines.

Free download is currently unavailable due to overloading in the server.
Please try again later or
purchase a premium
and download immediately."

How about geting some servers (and corresponding software) that works for Christmas? That surely would be a miracle!

This message showed only btw 18:00 - 20:00 today.
Here is the news about the downtime and the reason for that.

OVH who is the biggest shit company has been blocked our main Server due to Fake dmca reports
and left our server only with FTP Access, what means no root access, nothing!

We erased slowly all the data and DB (That very big) from the shitty FTP access and moved everything to our new DataCenter in the NL.

The servers are safe now, and everything is back to normal.

We have added 2 days free premium to all our Premium Users.

GL with sales, and again sorry for the shitty thing :)
Disadvantages of Nitroflare for the downloader:

- Frequent "Free download is currently unavailable due to overloading in the server" messages over last 6 months
- Dialup-era download speeds of 20 KB/s
- Frequent "invalid ticket" errors after 60-second timeout finishes
- 3 hour lock-out between downloads, whether download started or failed due to server error
- 2 popunders with every download or attempt to download

- Advantages of Nitroflare for the downloader:
Disadvantages of Nitroflare for the downloader:

- Frequent "Free download is currently unavailable due to overloading in the server" messages over last 6 months
- Dialup-era download speeds of 20 KB/s
- Frequent "invalid ticket" errors after 60-second timeout finishes
- 3 hour lock-out between downloads, whether download started or failed due to server error
- 2 popunders with every download or attempt to download

- Advantages of Nitroflare for the downloader:

Free download is again not available due to overloading of the servers. This is most ironic, and and annoying, since they have supposedly upgraded the servers a couple of times in the last two months. And I must agree that the lockout period is asinine since it happened to me last night. At least the pop-unders are avoidable with a good set of rules for Adblock Plus. Oh well, I'll try again in the morning (or just look for the file somewhere else).

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