- Discussion Thread.

Few bugs fixed. Please every one Ctrl+F5.

1. Filename now show in URL links
2. Myfiles - New functions added
3. Premium Key timer expiry been added

We are working on FREE Download option with limited speed in our service.

GL everyone.

Dear uploader,

We want to inform you:
- We have added a free download option to our service.
- From now on you can earn money by free downloads too!
- You can always choose a "Premium Only" option, Just go to "My files" and change.
- All our bugs has been fixed, please click Ctrl+F5 if you have any issues.

For who dont know, We have the best plan rates on network, we have only mixed plan:
70% For PPS + upto 25$ per 1000 downloads / watch's + 5% for your referal sales.
NEW PPD+PPW Rates can be found HERE

Download Link Example:


Users who abuse the site will not be tolerated and users with lots of junk files with 0 downloads are deleted without warning. We accept every legal files.

For any questions:
Skype: Jonnie.Nitroflare
ICQ: 665738179

We wish you good luck with your sales/downloads.

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do u count 14 day plan as sale for us ?
or if i say do u give commison on 14 day sale ?

Soory but i dont really understand you,
Could you please explain better your question?


Oh now i understand your question, of course we does.
all sales counted, doesn't matter which package!
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