- earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

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4th day earnings..

i Love fridays, saturdays , and Sundays <<< more people visit sites

whats my secret?

A blog + 1 facebook fanpage + 6 forums sites...

and until now.. im looking for more forum sites..

daily routine upload 15 + links then paste them all in all the 6 forum sites / the blog and the fanpage..
we will finish payments today 100%

we just doing some investigation at some accounts

and please the uploader with username : sylk

I can not send you the payment there is problem at your account paypal said ( the recipient can not receive payment )

thank you all for trusting
we will finish payments today 100%

we just doing some investigation at some accounts

and please the uploader with username : sylk

I can not send you the payment there is problem at your account paypal said ( the recipient can not receive payment )

thank you all for trusting

ok sir please pay me today id is indiagreat32
we will finish payments today 100%

we just doing some investigation at some accounts

and please the uploader with username : sylk

I can not send you the payment there is problem at your account paypal said ( the recipient can not receive payment )

thank you all for trusting

done changing payment info.
all payza payment completed
for paypal :
the rest payment still pending due to paypal issue
we are waiting them to allow us to send funds

be patient please
the 5th day earning..

i wish nira will pay me ^^ ill upload more >.< more and more till i reach 10 $ a day >.<

need to do some search search for more forum sites >.<
mrkgee - "Love the easy to use interface but would help downloaders if the file name and/or size appear when connecting to a nirafile link. Some are leery if there is zero info on what is 'Free Download' like it may be a virus or exe file. Thanks for considering."

nir -"mrkgee : thanks for your opinion let us see about that"

my forum follower - "Sorry, but I don't get nirafile. I don't see the link to download the file, and do we know if the site is even trustworthy?"

I'm not the only one concerned. This is the only file site that does not show the file name or size when the host link is connected to. If I were devious, this would be ideal. Please inform your techs of this flaw. Yhanks again for answering each day. I follow.
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