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  1. P

    WP Porn Tube Plugin

    How long did it take to receive the download link? I paid the PRO version and I have not received the email. I have sent them a message via your contact form and have not received a response.
  2. P

    Trusted PPS filehost atm?

    bitshare/freakshare always pay, but you should wait 2 months
  3. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    There was an error: 4 terabytes no, FIVE Storage 5029.1 GB / 10000 GB That's the reason I don't want to waste my time if they will delete in two weeks...
  4. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    If you post your material on forums, it is good for you. But I have 3 websites and I want to keep the files as long as possible. I know that is difficult if I have a warez site, so my question is if the file has been deleted due to an error by updating the affiliate program, or for a few days...
  5. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    I don't know the other two, but my account is not still banned. I repeat another time (uuffffff): I received and e-mail giving a ONE YEAR premium account on August 14th, when I was on holiday. Right? Good. I tried to upload some files one week or ten days later, when I came back. Just to test...
  6. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    No, that's no the answer because i just want to know if is going to happen again. I don't want waste my time in a new host that delete my work in a few days. I just want to know. That's the point now. Nira said i broke the rules and called me "cheat"...
  7. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Excuse me, are we trolls because we expect an official response on the official thread? #facepalm Nira lied about me. Nira insulted me calling me a cheater. And the troll I am? Check your scale, bro REPEAT: All I want to know is WHY my files have disappeared in a few days, and if this happens...
  8. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Why do you think we are storing terabytes for free? I use filecloud as a backup, i don't need a new host as a backup, I don't know if they will disappear with my files in a few months, and that's a risk that I will not run, do not trust new hosts as backup. I recieved the premium account on...
  9. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    It's hard to understand that they give ONE YEAR premium account starting in august, and they delete files after A FEW DAYS. Do you understand the difference between "one year" and a "a few days"? Or is it hard for you to understand?
  10. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    If they give as a ONE YEAR premium account, why give us only A FEW DAYS to try, in August? Maybe we are on holidays, or maybe is not the best time to try a new host and we want to wait a few days before share. Furthermore, NIRA was initially free host. When I got the premium account thay not...
  11. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Sorry, Are you calling me "cheater"? You are a LIAR and you know. So HOW can I be a cheater if I haven't any money with you? Could you explain me? YOU ARE A LIAR AND YOU KNOW. I'm not claiming any money, as I said before: I have not shared any files from your host, I have no money to claim...
  12. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Of course, because you have deleted the files I uploaded before I could share! I need to visit your official thread since you LIED about me: you said I broke the rules and this is ABSOLUTELY false. You did it, not me.
  13. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Do you remember Akafile? a few months ago they run away with the money of many uploaders, were accused of breaking the rules and ban many accounts without reason and without pay. In wjuntion there was a big scandal, their thread was closed and archived. Do you remember? I do. I recommend you...
  14. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    Excuse me, are you calling me troll? I just asked a question to @nira that still did not answer me, they just told lies and no response.
  15. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    So, then, in plain english: 1. They give me ONE YEAR premium account. I didn't ask for it, they contact me by email. So I have ONE YEAR to test. Why should I hurry to use it the first day? 2. I upload some files (one TV show: 24 episodes) to test de upload/download speed 3. They delete the...
  16. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    my point... you've tried to read? I just tried to test de upload/download speed BEFORE share, because i test all new host BEFORE share, and they deleted all files BEFORE share. You write in english, so you understand english...
  17. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    20-30 files just to test the upload/download speed are not "a lot of files" at all. Before use a new host i should test it. Sure you do it too, don't you? So what's exactly the problem? I think you write without thinking before... They have not even waited 30 days to delete the files and have...
  18. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    the funniest part is that they have deleted my files but have not banned my premium account: Premium-Account expire: 18 August 2014 Not even a month has passed since I uploaded the files, have not been deleted by DMCA complaint because I have not posted. They have deleted all the test files I...
  19. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    If they expected some traffic from me, then they should say: "We are giving to you a premium account for free for one year BUT we expect some traffic from you or we will suspend the account". It's easy. But that's NOT what happened. I test the account they have given me without asked, they...
  20. P - earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

    If you don't know, better ask before write. First of all: I didn't ask for a evaluation premium. They sent me an email giving me a premium account for one year for free before they publish their affiliate program, when nirafiles was a free host. I tried to upload some files to see what the...