Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

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Bobby3711, even if I'm active or not, I collected money and they have to pay. But, people saw netload's new rules and they can not cheat us more than this except shut down the host. I did not beg them more sales or other questions. Just want the money I earned and problem is they do not give money for 90 days and even if your sales are 30 days accounts. They could say like extabit did us, "we have most money in netload and have to wait 180 days to take them" and new sales from other companies will be paid in 30 days. We can accept cause my sales are done in last 60 days and all are expired except 1-2 of them
Why they keep the money comes fro expired accounts and nobody can refund it.
they could apply this option for new members. There were no rule like this before. At last they will not pay us.
I will not get mine cause my account is banned but focus on netload
Now i dnt care all about it. I have stopped uploading and concentrating on other site with google adsense. Site is old and getting some good traffic. I have been earning 9-12$ everyday. This is the only hope for me. Its something better than nothing. Forget all bad experiences and move on. Thats it from me
my available balance is increasing :) but it seems no hope :( iv got 900 dollars and available balance is 130+ now .. ahhh paypal i miss u
If no one gets any payments this week and they don't make any announcement as to why no one has got their payments then netload are finished.
Has Netload changed something?
You could see how much sales you get instantly when you look at "Your account balance".
It was updated instantly the whole day.

Today it did not change.

But now here we have the daily update time it changed and i got 3 sales today.
So did Netload remove the instant feature?
But now here we have the daily update time it changed and i got 3 sales today.
So did Netload remove the instant feature?

yeah i think so...2 days ago i can see sales instantly on my reserve balance..but today i got sales but i can see it yesterday lolz..
Has Netload changed something?
You could see how much sales you get instantly when you look at "Your account balance".
It was updated instantly the whole day.

Today it did not change.

But now here we have the daily update time it changed and i got 3 sales today.
So did Netload remove the instant feature?

Hi, did you receive your payment already ?
Email I sent other day -

Dear Mike.

I've got a lot of people asking me when that credit card functionality will be enabled in their regions for buying a premium account such as the US and Australia?

Also as a suggestion, a lot of businesses that I buy products through use SagePay for Credit Card / Debit Card payments and it is very quick and efficient and maybe you would consider using that service for CC/DD purchases, unless you have something planned already.

Sincerely (leaving blank)

Reply -
Hello (blank),

Thank you for your suggestion. I will contact SagePay.

Best Regards
Netload Support

If they take up SagePay then that should resolve nearly all issues for worldwide purchasing of premium accounts. (Which means that 100 sales a month thingy will be far more attainable)

SagePay's main advantage - Sage invented the industry standard accounting program and accounting services. And they're used by a lot of small businesses with pretty much 0 transactions fees. Could be very promising if they can get SagePay on board.
I made payout request on saturday and it still says pending, also no one has received their money in to their bank accounts.
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when Paypal locked their account, the main priority is Payment gateway for premium purchase. now they come up with Bank Wire for payout so the priority now is do they pay affiliate or not. if they dont pay via Bank Wire as stated, SagePay is irrelevant and no point in getting any sale but wasting your time.
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