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  1. P

    File host Needed stable

    FileParadox, Google Drives or the Microsoft Sky Drive.
  2. P - Fixed $10.00 - MPS (70% initial sale/60% Rebill) & PPD (40USD/1000)

    By the looks of it, either everything was deleted or just removed the link from. As all files were removed from everyones accounts but the folders remained. (All were listed as DMCA takedowns though)
  3. P

    Warning: FileParadox has deleted everyones files AFAIK

    They didnt have to delete all my backups though, funny they said we took all your money when I never put any in there.
  4. P

    Warning: FileParadox has deleted everyones files AFAIK

    Well thats the email i got 11 minutes after all deletion. anyone else get something similar? Be weird if it was just me for bringing it up publicly
  5. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    5 Euros and then your bank will take a percentage, depending on the bank it can be up to 5% (most banks are less than 1% charge)
  6. P

    Warning: FileParadox has deleted everyones files AFAIK

    For me and a few other people all our files suddenly got deleted, including files that were never shared. Then I checked a bunch of other peoples links to be sure and all File Not Found: And just to confirm it wasn't just a few files, combined it was well over 10TB. If anyones...
  7. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    See I've stuck with Netload, two filehosts i use is FileParadox and Netload. Only downside for me Netload wise is the god-damn blacklisting system (which is why FileParadox is great for backups) I had a bunch of stuff blacklisted and I was like WHAAAA (the content was mine, as in i produced it...
  8. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Has anyone else had random folders of theirs just empty in the past couple of days, didn't get a DMCA takedown notice (you know, those abuse message about your files emails) just logged on and they were empty, wasn't due to inactivity as they were my pc backups and im constantly downloading them...
  9. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Well depends on your bank for UK, I request 406.75 dollars, which becomes 400 from Netloads take, then my bank takes £7 on their end, so each time ill get £238, and if i request 706.75 its still the same flatrate so it is much better for people to save up, requesting small amounts really goes...
  10. P

    Serious PPS (Pay Per Sale) Discussion Thread

    Ryu reminds me too much of Wupload so ima see if that company can last a year before considering a change, it might be just another Rapidgator where theres a lot of restictions and it is just the flavour of the month. Ive stuck with Netload this whole time, even during the Bad September as I...
  11. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Unless he didn't keep the cookie, (that's how the referral link is tracked, it creates a cookie from your link which lasts 14 days) ---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ---------- Can then take up to 7 - 10 days for bank processing, im on EU Transfer...
  12. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    mine came in like a charm, don't know about worldwide but for me in the EU it's worked alright.
  13. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Been emailing Mike at Netload and I was given an ETA of 10days till World Wide Credit Card / Debit Card purchase is enabled.
  14. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    I got paid yesterday. So it took 5 days from it being processed to hitting my bank, this was by EU Transfer. $6.75 fee, less than paypal used to charge me :D
  15. P

    Uploading on Rapidgator

    oh also block a lot of ip addresses from their rivals so you have to Remote Upload using a leeching service like 2leech.
  16. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Requested on Saturday morning, got it processed on the 8th, (so ignoring the weekend it took 2 days) I've found just being polite to them in the emails helps a great deal, will get back to everyone when it enters my bank (to give an EU Transfer ETA)
  17. P

    Uploading on Rapidgator

    you cant remote upload out from Rapidgator to another filehost only Remote Upload in, it's one of the reasons why they suck.
  18. P

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Email I sent other day - Reply - If they take up SagePay then that should resolve nearly all issues for worldwide purchasing of premium accounts. (Which means that 100 sales a month thingy will be far more attainable) SagePay's main advantage - Sage invented the industry standard...