Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

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It's pretty simple but they;ve made it complicated. Make sure your customers aren't cheating gits who buy a premium then do chargebacks and sell a few accounts and your money will become available. I been made from High To Medium in a day from just selling a couple of 90 day accounts.
NL reduce my $


Risklevel: 3
Reserve Quote
Reserve Amount

Revenue newer than 5 days
$0,00 USD
Revenue older than 5 days
$0,00 USD
Revenue older than 15 days
$0,00 USD
Revenue older than 30 days
$0,00 USD
Revenue older than 45 days
$0,00 USD
Revenue older than 60 days
$9,60 USD
Revenue older than 75 days
$5,99 USD
Revenue older than 90 days
$0,00 USD

Your account balance:
$20,50 USD

Reserve total:
-$15,59 USD

Available balance:
$4,91 USD

They are reducing my $..... day by day
i have got 20$ when my last checking
now... only 4.91$ WDF
What is that mean?
do you even understand ? they have sent you payment now it is upto your bank in how many days you are going to recieve it
no it's not true, ALWAYS day after pdf received $ was on our bank accs and u wanna tell us that all banks now changed sth and that's why this delay ? really?
no 2 days it's another netload lie to get some time
wordwide bank transfer doesnt work that way. I always used to get payment via bankwire from payza after 10 days. Must be diff case for European banks based on thr collaborations with bank network in Europe.
It's sensless to talk with konrafal.

He seems to be mentally disabled...
I was explaining how bank transfers are working, but he did not understand.
Just ignore this guy
I know that every time i withdraw money from PP to my bank account, the payment is approved after a few minutes but it takes 7 business days for the money to appear in my bank account, so maybe thats also the case here
I think this work like pp works.

when withdraw money, the status in pp appeared : Completed, but it will take 3-5 days to come to your bank account.

so need to wait more.
Paypal has better collaborations with banking network than anyone else. Netload has just started their worldwide bank transfer. So it might take couple of days more than what it usually takes when u get payment via Paypal.
do you even understand ? they have sent you payment now it is upto your bank in how many days you are going to recieve it

It wasen't WWT, mine was euro transfer so shouldn't take much long as it hardly takes a day to recieve money in ur account in euro transfer :)
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]we are working on adding Credit card also for United states! [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I already stay in contact with [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Best Regards[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Netload Support[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]yes we are working very hard to get more payment options and we are on a good way to get them soon![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I know that it is very hard without them but I promise you that we will handle this within the next weeks![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Best Regards[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Netload Support[/FONT]
wait until next Tuesday, and i think it should be clear.

but seriously, how much money you can get via bank transfer this time, i think too little percentage of your total balance.

there is still no guarantte that netload will pay 90 days later even if they pay THIS time via international bank tranfer.

because 90 days is really too long, especially at this period, which means 90 days looks as long as 180 days.

if they find this reserve system and payment option they have right now don't work out well until 90 days arrives, they might not have enough money and they will change the stragedy again.

trust me, nobody will join netload, it's those old members who have huge money in their account will keep struggling, hoping to get the money out, otherwise, there is really no point for people to join as new affiliate.

they will have to get what they earn today in 90 days, and pay 15 euros +2% at min balance of 50$, and yeah, they deduct you 15 euros (about 19$), and 1$ more, that's 20$ in total, and you get 30$ only. what a joke.

besides, what makes you think you have enough faith that they will pay you without kicking you out after 60 days saying you are inactive users.

let me say it again, faith based on previous guaranteed payment. not because you think they are big and old on your own way.
filefactory is big too (2005-2012) there anybody has faith on them based on what they did the past 2 momths.

well, even if we got payment via international bank transfer, it will stay this way until 90 days arrives, it's gonna be a long way before something is clear.
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