Need Pointers Still trying.

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Active Member
Okay, basically I am really new to all this I've owned other types of websites before just never "warez","App","ddl" sites i am still confused I'm trying but i still got alot to learn i have tried on my own to learn the things i should learn but i can't because Google and other SE's don't really help.
I was wondering how i get traffic, i know link & traffic exchange,But i don't know really what sites bring it and what i can offer for what they give me seeing as my sites are still new.
I Know about phaze and Katz.
I Got into all this from Phaze and CrazyCoderz i was simply Amazed at how the network ran.
i was just wondering as well what are "Do's" and "Don'ts" of a warez forum?
What Gets Members To Post?
What Mods & Addons are Needed or recommended ?
I Know i have to do my own thing im just really curious maybe i can meet that demand in the middle by doing it my own way with this stuff instead of exactly as others.
What gets warez sites popular?
What brings more members ?
What gets a warez site ranked?
What networks do i need to join?
Should i offer uploaders,mods,staff, things after it gets "popular"?
Theme wise should i stay dark or light ? fluid or fixed.?
I'm not looking to see the site like Katz or anything just a little more active.
On the time based schedule i have its hard to post a ton of downloads a day.
I Post what i can and when i can.
I Just have a MILLION questions running through my head
Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
i was just wondering as well what are "Do's" and "Don'ts" of a warez forum?
Don't be evil.
What Gets Members To Post?
Incentives such as VIP membership, Prizes, RS Accounts, etc..
What Mods & Addons are Needed or recommended ?
Some kind of link checkers, Quick Replies, Same Thread searcher, etc..
What gets warez sites popular?
Traffic, pure pure traffic. AND most important the SERVICE.
If you get a request such as this:
Hey all,

Was wondering if someone could send me the link to Cars.
To be honest i have found cars on Katz but i would rather download it from some of the guys that use SceneW.


Then you have done your JOB as a webmaster.
What brings more members ?
Content of the site (more threads, more chance of register, more traffic) AND again, the service and presentation is the MOST important thing.
What gets a warez site ranked?
Style, Staff, Presentation, and Community, plus a lot of other factores. Ads/No ads, etc..
What networks do i need to join?
Katz is the only one you should join, the second biggest DDL is Phaze and their cached traffic is a disgrace to webmasters. Xenu is going to be good in the future, and will surpase Twilight in my opinion someday. Twilight is also doing good.
Should i offer uploaders,mods,staff, things after it gets "popular"?
Yes, offer and they will come.
Theme wise should i stay dark or light ? fluid or fixed.?
Always have multiple themes ready. One light and one dark at least. Fluid is better because you can customize it better.

Anymore questions you have my MSN ;)
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