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    [Anti-DDoS] WarezScene Attack

    thanks for sharing
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    Anarchy-Warez PLZ REVIEW Please review =] Post Tips & feedback Ideas ? bad / good
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    moving site...

    well i got it in but im getting errors now and i dont know why =[ blah fail lmao
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    moving site...

    i have moved everything but the sql i cant upload with phpmyadmin so i used BIGDUMP and i get this error Error at the line 4356: /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; Query: /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; MySQL: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NULL' any ideas?
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    Ever felt like smacking your computer?

    haha yeah :| ^ rofl sad
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    moving forum to different host

    uhmmm...... LMFAO i have nulled on a porn site n rs is all they post =/
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    Xtreme UsersOnline script

    it shows number of users online... upload to wherever you want but be sure to change that in this part <script src=""></script>
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    moving forum to different host

    yup damn you clark.. beat me too it >:o
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    Where to find coders for warez projects?

    yeah ive looked around there a few times :P seemed good but not to my intrest
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    VB LinkChecker Bot

    lol pimpin your a dick :|
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    Xtreme UsersOnline script

    Thanks =] couldnt find this found similar ones but wasnt what lookin for
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    Where to find coders for warez projects?

    i agree with jolly roger in a way
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    Need Pointers Still trying.

    THANKS FALCON Im tring right now to get it all goin i gotta run but when i get back ill pm you
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    VB LinkChecker Bot

    im pretty sure it is life...
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    Question about htaccess

    Can you let us look at your .htaccess file? Can you paste it into this forum - so we can analyze it .
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    New Thread VS Post Reply

    im with Falcon on this :P
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    where do i put this

    dude go to admin cp>style manager>YOUR STYLE>edit templates > Footer add it above or below vb copyright ? what i do or u can ad it anywhere in FOOTER !
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    Need Pointers Still trying.

    Okay, basically I am really new to all this I've owned other types of websites before just never "warez","App","ddl" sites i am still confused I'm trying but i still got alot to learn i have tried on my own to learn the things i should learn but i can't because Google and other SE's don't...
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    Themes for WCDDL?

    with website offline ? u must KNOW ALOT ! rofl ill help ya AK =D
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    Must Mods for Vbulletin

    :P i kinda have been but i still dont like my sites