This is for the porn uploaders trying to make $$ here are my tips to make the most money
1. Any scene should be 1 link max and dvd rips 3 links max people hate downloadin 4+ links from a really slow file host
2. Post HD quality videos only
4. Use file host that give decent speeds to guest and registered users.
5. Use a good image host like Imgchili Imgbabes or Imgmaster
Do not listen to these fools that say the more you upload will make you more $$ is pure BS they mean uploading crapy quality content is ok downloaders want HD quality scenes with only 1 link.
I recommend to upload just to upload and get good stuff in return not to upload for $$
1. Any scene should be 1 link max and dvd rips 3 links max people hate downloadin 4+ links from a really slow file host
2. Post HD quality videos only
4. Use file host that give decent speeds to guest and registered users.
5. Use a good image host like Imgchili Imgbabes or Imgmaster
Do not listen to these fools that say the more you upload will make you more $$ is pure BS they mean uploading crapy quality content is ok downloaders want HD quality scenes with only 1 link.
I recommend to upload just to upload and get good stuff in return not to upload for $$