MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

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Working fine for me :-? Just started remote uploading loads!! My first batch for 2011!

Finally, it's working. Just that the speed is really slow. On normal days I get 50mb/s. But now I'm getting 900kbps. I guess they're messing around with the servers to make it faster.

Edit: Shouldn't get my hopes high. The remote upload didn't go through. lol. Guess I'll just wait for a few more hours.

And Happy New Year!
I didn't get paid till about the fifthish and it's only the 2nd now (need to look to be certain) so I'm not worried I'm sure i'll get paid on the next few days. Meanwhile the uploads are easily as fast as ever for me. Cloud are you sure your system's ok?
Today's the first day back at work for lots of people, so that could be the reason for the delay. Also remember they get paid at the end of month by their ad networks, then they probably work out and double-check affiliate payments and probably only after that they pay us. So I'm not stressing yet.
Today's the first day back at work for lots of people, so that could be the reason for the delay. Also remember they get paid at the end of month by their ad networks, then they probably work out and double-check affiliate payments and probably only after that they pay us. So I'm not stressing yet.

Right. I forgot that you I'm ahead of you people by 24 hours.
I registerd las week on Megashare and today I wanted to start uploading yesterday's tv shows but
1) Only 1 link per tab
2) 900 kbps was the highest upload speed
3) Having passed more or less 3 hours of upload complete, I still have 3 files in a "transfering" status.
4) No filemanager! (or I haven't found it yet :P)

Is it always like this? because I am consideing not using your service if it is always this way.
I registerd las week on Megashare and today I wanted to start uploading yesterday's tv shows but
1) Only 1 link per tab
2) 900 kbps was the highest upload speed
3) Having passed more or less 3 hours of upload complete, I still have 3 files in a "transfering" status.
4) No filemanager! (or I haven't found it yet :P)

Is it always like this? because I am consideing not using your service if it is always this way.
v2 is coming soon.

I guess you have a Europeam RDP, and that's why uploading speed sucks.
If you're on a American RDP, the speed rules!

Those of you who want a quick payment, head over to DP forums and post a message in the official thread. MS support team will ask for you email address and give preference when paying.

Some people will be payed today while other tomorrow.
v2 is coming soon.

I guess you have a Europeam RDP, and that's why uploading speed sucks.
If you're on a American RDP, the speed rules!


I don't know what country is my rapidleech from but I can tell you at least that fileserves says is from category D :))

Right now the highest speed I've seen is 4000 kbs... now i'm happy

Also, one of my files got 68 downloads BEFORE I even posted in forums.
So far I'm getting a good feeling about this filehosting 8-)
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