Megaload - Use With Caution

What can Megaload do to become a Serious Competitor in the File Hosting Industry

  • Increase Free User Download Speeds

    Votes: 59 56.7%
  • Decrease Waiting Times

    Votes: 23 22.1%
  • Cheaper Premiums

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • More Storage Space

    Votes: 41 39.4%

  • Total voters
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Am I the first one? =)

Received my 1st payment (PP) !

But the history still show PENDING? Please update it ! :P
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-10-22 $56.69 PENDING

OK it show paid now!
2012-10-22 $56.69 PAID
Last edited:
How you count PPD downloads?
Unique downloads per ip?

Or if one file have 4 parts and 1ip adress download all 4 parts, will you cound 1 download or 4 downloads?
Australia in tier 1 and also in 2...which 1 is actual?why not put malaysia,singapoore in tier 2 or 3?Caz I got sale from those countries
Is there any screenshot of a payment proof? .. I didn't notice any 'Affliates' page while I'm checking your site .. also, your website's TOS page should be modified as it states that your site URL is instead of .it
And one more thing..too many pop ups,I got 6...Really annoying for the downloaders.Too many reports and you may get banned in renowned sites. Watch it bro
I don't know why but the basic upload not works in firefox.
Always receive this when I press Browse: Select at least one file to upload!
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