Search results

  1. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    We will pay you. Just give us time to review. We will not reject your payment Lanbb. We are not like other hosts.
  2. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Why did you decide to delete files after requesting a payment? Your account is under review. You can complain if you like, but we have the right to withhold funds. Everybody else is getting paid, so its not like we don't pay.
  3. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Guys we are working overtime tonight. 4 New robust servers will be added by tomorrow, we are also upgrading all ports to 10Gbit. We are truly sorry for the delay, we are trying our best. We hope you can understand and allow us some more time to get this resolved. We guarantee it will be worth...
  4. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Today we will be tackling all problems on Megaload. Believe me we can afford this mod, but before we implement FTP we need to make sure our servers can handle it. As I said, we need to upgrade our port speeds. And that is what we will be doing today. After that, we will do some testing and...
  5. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Guys we are so sorry for not providing support this weekend! We will be upgrading all WJ users to premium today. We were not getting notifications on our phones from WJ, and we were away from our computers. We are upgrading all servers to 10Gbit ports today. This will allows us to increase user...
  6. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Maybe you should learn to speak English properly before making accusations. Please refrain from posting and/or speaking your mind in our threads. You never have anything good to say and you are not a user of our site, so butt out.
  7. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Now all users will Receive 25% of their referral earnings for Life! Start sharing your links and start earning even more with Megaload! We have contacted them :) Thank you for your support!
  8. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Yes you are right! We will look into that, but we have been having some problems with our servers since last night. Will have it resolved soon! Working on that.
  9. Megaload Paying Daily Now

    I can confirm that Edomz does pay daily.
  10. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    We are adding it today :) __________________ Added after 13 minutes: Megaload has acquired 2 More File hosting sites that were dying (Basically Dead), We bought both of them through auctions. We will be taking members of these sites, features, tools, servers and other parts and adding them to...
  11. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Please send us a screenshot to
  12. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Payments for the past 3 Days have been made this morning. If you received a payment from us, please share your payment amount and payment request date with others here. Do not post Emails or company names. :) Thanks Charles
  13. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Hello Guys. We are sorry for the late reply, we are looking into the remote upload issues and will update you shortly.
  14. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Check your PM :)
  15. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Japan was removed from tier 2 to tier 3 on the first day of launch. We have informed uploaders of this.
  16. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Perfect :) Thanks Jak321!
  17. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Should be good now, we have changed some settings. Please try again Jak321
  18. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Please try it now jak321. Try it with a maximum of 10 Files and let us know :)
  19. Megaload

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    We can look into that. Russia added to tier 3. Please remember that you are only allowed to upload 10 files at a time, if you exceed that amount then problems will occur. I will look into this though and test it on our systems. Sorry about that Jak321. We will get on it right away.