Megaload - Use With Caution

What can Megaload do to become a Serious Competitor in the File Hosting Industry

  • Increase Free User Download Speeds

    Votes: 59 56.7%
  • Decrease Waiting Times

    Votes: 23 22.1%
  • Cheaper Premiums

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • More Storage Space

    Votes: 41 39.4%

  • Total voters
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Guys as you can see we have set the minimum payout to $50 only for the first 2 weeks. We have a promotion on, We will pay you every 72 Hours after a payment request, if you do not receive money in 72 hours, post your pending payment screenshot here and WJ will close our thread. We are not here to play games, reach the minimum payout and expect a payment within 72 hours. If not, we lose our thread. What do you have to lose? We will not put a guarantee like this up if we were not confident that we could see it through.
Stop acting like kids guys -_- Megaload has told numerous times that minimum payment will be reduced only after 2 weeks! If you do not like it - stay the **** out of this thread FFS. I've seen more than 20 posts asking for it to be reduced. Are you Megaload's shareholders? NO. So stop crying and for god's sake read the previous posts before blindly asking for something.
because unlike the majority of you these ppl have lives and do not spend every moment of their day on WJ or uploading content that most likely does not belong to them.
Why are no question getting answered in this thread I asked a question and it has not been answered yet

Stop being stupid, read the first post before you question them.

For all (like DJboutit) who cannot read the first post or go through the thread, here is what they have to say in their first post:

My question is simple I am just asking a question before signing up what is the point of this thread if questions can not be asked??

The point is that you asked a question and aspect the reply at once without reading the instructions given in 1st post where clearly stated when will they are able to replied in this thread .... :facepalm:
Thanks Rox and WDF for helping out, unfortunately we are not at our offices today so we can not respond to all emails and questions (We are away for the weekend) So please be patient, we will get back to you by tomorrow, If your question is not getting answered here its for a reason. Send your question to if you will like an answer.
How many days is available on the tariff change.

I chose the sample mix. just want to go on sale. How many days between time of change in the tariff.

do not speak English and I am writing to translate.
you using PC 1st time today?? :P is lil instruction to help u..

1. take the mouse on the "Charles@megaload"
2. right Click
3. Copy mail adress

What is mouse>>

not exactly but hey it's hard to adapt for us that are still stuck on win2000..

anyway nice of you trying to help, but i won't need to click it as i don't intend to use this host :)

.it - some italian mafia ha ;)
look lemur, not everyone waste their time by left and right clicking every fucking thing around web and if you're uncapable of making fun of yourself, him or me get fucking lost with your insults
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