Megaload - Use With Caution

What can Megaload do to become a Serious Competitor in the File Hosting Industry

  • Increase Free User Download Speeds

    Votes: 59 56.7%
  • Decrease Waiting Times

    Votes: 23 22.1%
  • Cheaper Premiums

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • More Storage Space

    Votes: 41 39.4%

  • Total voters
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It does,that's what the stars mean.You're PPD you get no money from the sales so why would it show them in the chart that is showing your earnings? There is no point in shoing them there.
Today we will be tackling all problems on Megaload.

They have too much resources for 10Gbps file-servers, gift premiums to everyone but they dont have money for FTP Upload mod, something smells odd

Believe me we can afford this mod, but before we implement FTP we need to make sure our servers can handle it. As I said, we need to upgrade our port speeds. And that is what we will be doing today. After that, we will do some testing and see whether or not we are going to implement FTP.

Payments every 72Hours Guaranteed!???Has been more than 96 hours, and NO money !!!!!2012年10月25日PENDING

We use 3rd parties to make payments for us, and they do not make payments over weekends, you should receive your payout today.
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