Tracking sales looks like is working fine.I tested.I talked with a friend to buy from my link (I recorded the transaction with a screenrecorder-BSR).The sale was added to my ballance and he was added to my reffs with a star tracking sales works fine.@thousand
yes ur absolutly right they having a lot a problems mostly in networking and tracking of sales
from last 2 days its very terrible
site loading faild but ftp is fine
daily getting referals but no sale and rebill
last nite nearly 200gb files are deleted
The problem could be in networking.Lots of users complaining that cant access lumfile!
If users are not able to rich lumfile .com , of course will be no sales!
I usually get 2-4 sales/day , but this week i get only 2 sales (all week-and one was from my friend , from my money).So something is wrong .Hope lumzechai will solve this problem and everything will be back to normal soon!

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