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  • > 100Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%
  • 50 - 100Mb

    Votes: 23 7.8%
  • 11 - 49Mb

    Votes: 45 15.3%
  • 1 - 10Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%

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This is my first day without sales after lumfile added CC payment gateway!!

Something must be wrong with counting....downloads verry low and everybody complains about the sales....strange in the same day that added autorebills!!
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This is my first day without sales after lumfile added CC payment gateway!!

Something must be wrong with counting....downloads verry low and everybody complains about the sales....strange in the same day that added autorebills!! sales yesterday.:facepalm:
How's sales in last few days...? :(

This situation made peoples think twice before they buy Premium account. Please give stable services.

We get good sales and also increase each day. I think our service stable now :)

Depend...the fact in last few days there's few posts complain about stability, upload problems, download problems ( It's in last 3 pages, so still fresh posts :) ). And even there's few posts asking about sales...if you said everything ok, good, there's nothing we can't do except accept :heiligenschein:

My mistake...I always forget...if asking question like that to every filehosting... only useless because the answers always everything good, fine ,ok, etc....i must make a note for not asking question like that again :heiligenschein:

Glad to know that there's few last posts confirmed that i'm not alone, so i know that i'm not imagine something not real when saying and asking about sales ( Especially on weekend when i know possibility to get sales very high ) :whistling:
Got 7 registration under me yesterday, but only 2 of them are premium ! strange !!

@kastroni when did you click payout ? which payment processor?
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