- Official Support Thread

Speed Upload to

  • > 100Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%
  • 50 - 100Mb

    Votes: 23 7.8%
  • 11 - 49Mb

    Votes: 45 15.3%
  • 1 - 10Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%

  • Total voters
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Seems our tech changed any thing. I sent email to them and wait they fix that :) Seems GTM+9 :))

@lumzechai When will be fixed problem with download files on servers like e.3 and e.22??????????

Not yet, i still waiting our tech reply. They very busy today for fix wrong setting on new server :facepalm:
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At this moment Report page only showed date 2012 - 12 - 01.

Just Change the date From 2012 - 11 - 01 to 2012 - 11 -30.

And Lumfile, please...i hope your tech will fix everything today, so we can have stable services on weekend. Cause weekend can bring lot sales, downloaders need good impression from your services :)
They aren't able to fix download servers .WTF is wrong with your tehs??Where did you find them???Everything that can be done in hours is made in days .....and what should be done in days it takes them weeks!!

Now will see a large list of refunds (and lumfile should support all the refunds, because is their fault !!!!!!):thumbdown::thumbdown:
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If someone register as my ref today, and after 3-5 days he buy premium account, will i get sale or rebill?
I think you will get sale. if he buy it after 30 days then you will get rebill.
only if he goes on one of your links.....even if he is your refferal but goes to someone else link and he buy premium will not be credited with that sale!!
nope...doesn't matter if he bought from other uploader links as long as he is under your referral then you will get sale credit. correct me if I'm wrong, Lum.

nway, got few sales for the past 7 days although not too good. hope it will improve next week.
nope...doesn't matter if he bought from other uploader links as long as he is under your referral then you will get sale credit. correct me if I'm wrong, Lum.

nway, got few sales for the past 7 days although not too good. hope it will improve next week.
I hope is like this .....but they work with cookies i am not sure .....better lumzechai to clarify this
nope...doesn't matter if he bought from other uploader links as long as he is under your referral then you will get sale credit. correct me if I'm wrong, Lum.

nway, got few sales for the past 7 days although not too good. hope it will improve next week.
If someone under your ref. If they extend premium (recurring payment or buy on premium page) then you will got sales. But if he buy premium on other link. Sales will count for other aff. It fair.

Originally Posted by uzonigor
If someone register as my ref today, and after 3-5 days he buy premium account, will i get sale or rebill?
Yes, you will got sales if he not buy premium on other link :)

How's sales in last few days...? :(

This situation made peoples think twice before they buy Premium account. Please give stable services.
We get good sales and also increase each day. I think our service stable now :)
So yet no fix with download servers.....What is wrong with your techs??Are they drunked??

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We get good sales and also increase each day. I think our service stable now :)

Depend...the fact in last few days there's few posts complain about stability, upload problems, download problems ( It's in last 3 pages, so still fresh posts :) ). And even there's few posts asking about sales...if you said everything ok, good, there's nothing we can't do except accept :heiligenschein:

My mistake...I always forget...if asking question like that to every filehosting... only useless because the answers always everything good, fine ,ok, etc....i must make a note for not asking question like that again :heiligenschein:
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