I just wonder why are you still here? You should leave long ago. This site is not suitable for you i think.
And who are you...?
Are you the one who decided everyone leave or go...? Are you owner...? Are you the one who paid affiliates...? ( There's few posts in last pages in last few days asked about sales from other affiliates, but you only quote my post that just asked again today, and like i said, if only me complaint then maybe it just my feeling, but when i read some affiliates asked same problem, it's reasonable for me to post and ask again )
So with all respect, Mind your own business ! I don't post anything bad about you, so don't start interfere. Me and those who asked want get explanation / solution and answer from OP, not want looking a fight with other affiliates, as simple as that.
If you don;t like peoples posting and asking then skip it, peoples asking because this is the correct thread to do. Or you think some posts from some affiliates almost at same times asking about sales not correct...? Well...nobody want ask
if everything work fine. Read my post again before comment, i can accept if i don't get sales for few days, but now 39 days in a row without sales, never happened before, so in any condition, i guess affiliate have right to ask about this situation. If i don't have enough patience, i already leave this host, but i'm not typical poster that can easily move only for get better money.
You have good stats, just enjoy that.
And there's no sign in this thread that saying peoples only can post good things.
lumzechai Can u explain this... this is premium sales of just registered from my link..
That's Free Referral signed from your links.
Premium sales will have Gold Star Icon behind their username.