Love Or Money?

What Is Your Choose?

  • Love!

    Votes: 28 40.6%
  • Money!

    Votes: 34 49.3%
  • I Don't Know!

    Votes: 7 10.1%

  • Total voters
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No .. I'm single because I'm anti social and arrogant. Not because I like money. lol.

Everyone needs money, you love a girl, she loves you. It's all good, but both of you aren't so rich ... One night, you run out of condoms .. But she said, well what the heck, nothing's going to happen anyways ... Year later, you got a baby. And guess what, you still don't have enough money to make her life better.

Money makes this world go around. and money is most important thing. It's sad, but It's true.

Ok, but they were too lazy to go to a clinic, or something. Blah.
I'm not lazy. Also we use 2 types of protection. As for money, it can't buy everything. You should know that by now.
money has more power :|

Edit : for some reasons you cant compare these two
i can give many examples but who cares

still going with money :|
Money> If i have a BMW, then I shall open the door and my GF will come close to the door and will enter it and then I shall rape her....

Moral>Money is best for getting GirlFriends.....=)
Money> If i have a BMW, then I shall open the door and my GF will come close to the door and will enter it and then I shall rape her....

Moral>Money is best for getting GirlFriends.....=)

Girlfriends who are with you because you have money.... then they run back to the other b/f with the money she steals from you.

Love won't get you a brand new Nintendo Wii.
Love won't get you brand new PC.
Love won't get you something to eat today.
Love won't get your new apartment.
Love won't get you new clothes.

So, what will love actually give you?
- Problems
- Headache
- Problems ...

And problems..

I already can have all those things with Love <3

Best way is to find a Rich Love ;)
Give it to me! :))

Haha, just kidding. You just need to know on what to spend it ... If I had lots of money, I'd spend it on this:

- I'd buy myself a house somewhere in Mexico ... A lot of people to guard it, somewhere around 200-300. (I'm a paranoid.)
- A private datacentre.
- Few guys who would kill politicians, pedophiles, rapists, and other people that I don't like.
- And some other things ...

lol you wanna be scarface
To survive in this world you need money
At the same time you need love
i dont know what sort of love you guys talking about
It can be love bettwen lovers or family memebrs or friends

With out love there is not point to have lots of money and to be rich
with money you can have lots of love but that wont be true love

We as human never happy what we have we always look at some one above us

Money is not everything in life
money is just small part of our life
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