Looking for a good hosting in India

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Active Member
What is the best web hosting for e-commerce websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates. Location - India.
Have seen fozzy.com offered nice ecommerce hosting plans.

How reliable is this host? (especially for running e-shops)
Make sure the host has the payment option your looking for. I don't even think twice about a host that doesn't accept paypal. Its not that I don't trust anyone, well people I've never met face to face in person I don't trust, and have every reason not to, for you don't know what the company is really like, you don't really know if they exist at all..
I have very good success with Fozzy.com. Their customer service is outstanding...every time I have ever ran into any issues whatsoever, whether it's been issues with my account when I've been past due, and they have been lenient with payments and kept my services on. If I've had technical issues, they have resolved them very promptly.
I read about this and saw that if the Hosting Company is saying unlimited bandwidth or space they were obviously overselling because no host is going to put in another $200 Hard drive for a $5 customer. I decided for non-oversold because then I would be sure I could use everything I paid for with out getting in trouble for using too much.
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