Looking For 100 TBh Review?

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Every hoster have downtime problem. but i think after downtime what is their response time. this is the matter. in that case they are fail.
According to the clients over here in WJ. All have found issues with their service. You better go with Hosts which are registered and are minimum of 2-3 Years old.
They scammed my $7.50 already, In live chat they told me just pay "Sir" im sending you details within 2 mins, after payment is done, within 2mins they gone offline, now waiting for refund, it's been 10 hours now I'm waiting, expecting they will create a scene regarding this...and no refund, thanx 4 opening this thread
Hey danny, did u have any luck with 100tbh.com support replyin to you, because it been 4 days already and no reply, what is going on with this damn hosting mate?X-(
I've never used them but the price seems too low to give any good support. Which isn't a problem, until it's a problem.

Check out WHT for good VPS deals and reviews. My advice.
This service provider only has a few men to run it. People often face long delay time of their customer service and incorrect resource allocating issue (wrong CPU cores, wrong memory space, wrong disk space, etc.). If you are able to keep A LOT OF patience until they configure your environment correctly, you will be happy for a long time.

Their virtualization system is VMware. They will not give you full memory what you bought. Semi -S- is 1.5GB RAM, and Semi -L- is 3GB RAM; I didn't try higher plans so I cannot tell you other cases. They explain that the missing space are allocated as video memory, and it can improve disk I/O speed according to their own experience.

I started using them on May 23. Although I met some wrong configuration issues, there were not any other issues occurred. Down time is almost zero; sometimes there were some minutes of disconnection due to Leaseweb's network issue. However, I cannot recommend it because my friends are not satisfied with their customer service. I know I can wait but many people cannot.
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That much Video memory on a server? That is a cheap PC thing with built in video card.

Even if the had an actual monitor set up on every server they are not running a windows os and might be displaying monochrome text.

Sounds like shear bullshit to me unless it is a VM thing that can not be configured out.

What are you using it for?
They also said they can allocate all memory to your guest OS if you insist, but they warned it will cause your system unstable. I dare not to try it because of their slow customer service. If my system really become unstable, I have to wait many days in order to change the configuration back. Now I'm still busy backing up my files from RapidShare to other file hosts because I heard some people got banned by RapidShare this month, although I have never shared any RS links.

Under the guest OS of VMware environment, all hardwares are virtual and unrelated to real hardwares of the host machine. That is, we are using an emulated machine, so I think it's reasonable to allocate some memory to the emulated video card of each VPS. However, I'm unable to see whether the 1GB RAM they take is actually for video memory or not. In Everest, it shows there are 128MB on my virtual video card, but perhaps other 896MB are taken by its outter host environment.
If you guys want to investigate it, maybe you have to ask for a configuration screenshot from the vendor.

By the way, because their HDD is also a virtual HDD, the I/O performance is not as good as a RDP's HDD. If your usage is download/upload from file hosts, the memory space will be very important -- IDM will allocate a lot of memory to cache the data which cannot write to HDD immediately; sometimes it can be more than 2GB, depending on how many connections you create. Open the Resource Monitor and you can see an orange bar (Modified) becomes wider and wider when you're using IDM to download files. If the orange bar fill up all your available memory space, IDM and your system will be stuck off and on. Stop using multi-threading download and allow max 8 jobs running at the same time is a good idea. If you are using USA filehosts like BitShare, 8-thread x 2-job is also good. I can say it's still better than normal RDP services because now the RDP market is smaller and many vendors oversold slots now.

In addition, 100tbh.com doesn't provide KVM or IP. If you want to run Windows 2008 R2, please install a VNC server before upgrading the OS to Service Pack 1. There is a remote desktop issue in Windows 2008 R2 SP1. You will not be able to use remote desktop to access your system after you doing so. You have to login via VNC and do windows update again, or you have to call the vendor reinstall your OS, i.e., lose a lot of days.

As for website hosting, I have no experience regarding it. I'd like to fine-tune the kernel configuration and re-complie the whole system with additional optimized parameters (gcc -O3 -march=xxx -mtune=xxx, xxx depends on what CPU you are using) under Gentoo Linux or FreeBSD, writing apache modules and FastCGI to improve my website's performance. Without KVM over IP, it's too dangerous to do it because I have to enter the Single User Mode sometimes. This is only possible if you rent a dedicated server, rent a XEN VPS (with SolusVM Control Panel), or put it at home, depending on how rich you are and what content you are hosting.
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Are you sure they said it was all for video and not for vm or the base os?

I can understand if it is a software installation which allocates memory like the 256mb cpanel does immediately on installation.

All that Video memory allocation on any server just does not sound correct and I would really question it.

Could be time to look into VM configs, maybe it can be configured out if you are not using it for some purposes.


I see now that you are saying most of the allocated gb is not being used by the virtual video card.

Sorry I skimmed when I should have read word for word.

It has to be the base OS and the VM ware using the other 800 plus mb of allocated RAM with some set aside for swap or cache.

I knew there was no way 1 gb was going to video though.
i am using their server for about 3 months. server is awsome and speed is awsome too. But their support is too bad.

You can go for them. here some tells that they didnt get their server details and its been 5 days. I think they are the reseller of leaseweb. so when you order they order from leaseweb. leaseweb gives them within 3 days and they give you after that. so it will take some time. I also got my server after 5/6 days.
Are you sure they said it was all for video and not for vm or the base os?

I can understand if it is a software installation which allocates memory like the 256mb cpanel does immediately on installation.

All that Video memory allocation on any server just does not sound correct and I would really question it.

Could be time to look into VM configs, maybe it can be configured out if you are not using it for some purposes.


I see now that you are saying most of the allocated gb is not being used by the virtual video card.

Sorry I skimmed when I should have read word for word.

It has to be the base OS and the VM ware using the other 800 plus mb of allocated RAM with some set aside for swap or cache.

I knew there was no way 1 gb was going to video though.

VMware has various series of products, so I'm not sure what edition they are using. I guess they're using ESX or similar editions which don't need a host OS because its model is for commercial usage. Unfortunately, I only have experience in VMware Workstation so I don't know anything about VMware ESX.

However, I asked the vendor the detail and he answered here:
According to his explanation, the memory is actually allocating to the video card if he didn't tell a lie. Anyway, I don't know what edition of VMware they are using, so I cannot determine whether he told the truth or not. I decide to believe him for the time being, so I also said that's allocated to video card. I know his explanation is strange but it doesn't affect me so much that I have to interrogate him.

You don't need to say sorry because I know it's my English problem. I cannot speak English in efficient way so that there are a lot of redundant words and ambiguous words.
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@darknesscoder no man, they took my money and gone away, I created support ticket

Due to your activities I need refund asap, you told me in chat that it will take 2mins to setup, after paying you gone offline, I waited 8hours for you, refund my money, I dnt need your service, Thank You

Then They Replied I Didn't Paid!

We have no payment on file, can I ask if you have a reference for this?

Then I Sent Them Payza Reference Number and all that, and they closed the ticket, In the same day 100tbh came online in skype, I wrote him, No reply...Thats It...Lost $7.16
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