LiveW Released! (Complete OS for warez users)

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Active Member


LiveW is a Linux OS based on openSUSE (11.1 atm) which is targeted at warez users. It includes a range of programs and tools for downloading, running and viewing warez. It also has many things pre-installed and configured which you normally don't find in Linux distros such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc including Flash, PlayOnLinux, Wine, lots of codecs, Microsoft core fonts, working and pre-configured sub-pixel font rendering for LCD monitors etc. You don't have to remove Windows or install it in order to use, you can just boot from the CD (Live CD). Though if you like you can still easily install it to your harddrive after you booted the CD, and I would recommend doing so. Another thing worth noting is: no viruses, trojans, keyloggers, BSOD's whatsoever! However, you can still get Rick Roll'd.

Download Mirrors (Current version: 0.0.3 ALPHA):

More mirrors are welcome! If you uploaded the ISO to your server/VPS or a file host please share the link(s) in this topic, thanks :).

Changes since the last version:

  • Changed Firefox default theme to one that looks more like the Windows version.
  • Fixed issue in Firefox where it would not select the correct program for opening files.
  • Added some Firefox 'Scene Bookmarks' (More will be added later)
  • Pre-installed Firefox add-ons: AdBlock Plus, GreaseMonkey, KDST, Im4ge, IC Tools.
  • Added Ndiswrapper package.
  • Some other small config tweaks here and there.
This the last ALPHA release.

Known Issues:

  • In some cases the splash screen doesn't show while booting.
  • Sometimes the system reverts to the default openSUSE theme. If this should happen you can easliy change it again by going to Computer > Control Center > Appearance and changing the theme to LiveW 0.1.
  • Some of the openSUSE art, branding and icons hasn't been replace yet.
  • This is an ALPHA release, other issues and bugs should be expected.
Things not present yet that will be in the Final version:

  • Additional Firefox Add-ons, Bookmarks and Plugins.
  • Homebrew scene apps and some custom programs by me (for warez users).
  • A Peer-2-Peer client.
  • Simple CompizConfig Settings Manager.
  • Some other stuff which I can't think of now.

Minimum system requirements:
- Single core AMD Athlon64 or 64 bit Pentium 4 processor
- 256MB RAM, 512MB is highly recommended
- 3GB HDD (for installation)

I would personally also recommend a recent ATI or nVidia card.

Who the hell cares?

Some quick screenshots:






Notice: Default user/root password is linux
Notice: Use at your own risk! This is ALPHA software.
Notice: Remember that you need to install your graphics card drivers for better performance

This is not MY project, this is everbody's project! B-)
Share it, spread the word and contribute where possible!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did developing it. Peace.

Fingerprint (to help verify a successful/not corrupted download):
MD5: 9a963a3cc83e01c47b4d936002b96a87
SHA1: 6346d33dce4c319eaee8371a13358219f715af85
Hmmm not really feeling it to be honest... seems a lill ... ehhh cant explain but nood new boot screen new theme design.. only had a quick look tbf.. my wireless drivers never worked

i tested on Fujitsu Amilo Pi 1505 no wireless or sound drivers installed...

Keep it up tho
I like ddlshack's idea. Id offer hosting for the site if needed. I have a super secure shared that im not using. Also, hyperz i'm not stuck with the 32 i chose it cus i liked the laptop. I also have a amd64 on my desktop but im already using ubuntu/win7 and ive done alot with ubuntu so i dont want to switch it.

theres got to be a way to get it working in a 32 bit environment... If anything im sure we can get together a group or something to work on some kind of clone or conversion for a 32 bit console.

let me know if you want me to host the site if you choose to do it.


Thanks for the kind offer, but hosting is not a problem. If I were to create a site I could easily set it up on my VPS. The reason why I'm holding back is time. If I make a site for it I need to maintain it and keep it up-to-date. I just don't have time for that right now. Not saying there wont be a site, but right now it's not really needed yet IMHO.

As for the 32 bit version. There is no way to port it without it costing me a big amount of time. I'd basically need to start a new "project" and re-do all the stuff I did for the 64-bit version but then with the 32 bit packages. It would also need double the amount of mirrors/space. I'm sure you understand that it's not worth the effort for 2 people? =/

Hmmm not really feeling it to be honest... seems a lill ... ehhh cant explain but nood new boot screen new theme design.. only had a quick look tbf.. my wireless drivers never worked

i tested on Fujitsu Amilo Pi 1505 no wireless or sound drivers installed...

Keep it up tho

nood = good :p? But yes the wireless thing is a know issue (stated it on the OT). Sound should work with most common chips. If your sound didn't work out of the box I think it's because of the same thing that causes the problem with the network drivers. I'd appreciate it if you could give version 0.0.2 a go which will be released in a few moments and which should fix the majority of these kinds of problems. Also, what sound card does your PC/laptop have? I'd like to take a better look at the issue.

yea a new boot screen would be nice

That's the plan. Most stuff you see in these alpha releases isn't permanent. However, at the moment my options for the boot screen are limited because of SUSE Studio. I use it for compiling the ISO and for some reason it always overrides my bootsplash (program for taking care of the boot screen) configuration/setup. Probably because it ads the "Build with..." branding at the lower right.

Now for a small update on the project:
Version 0.0.2 will be released in one of the following hours. This is a quick fix release that should fix most of the network issue as well as give better compatibility with other hardware :).
It wouldn't help that much. As stated before these problem are caused because of a rather stupid mistake on my end. I forgot to include the ndiswrapper package which is required by some drivers and which allows you to use Windows drivers in some cases. And I forgot kernel-default-extra which contains the bulk of hardware drivers. Both are added for 0.0.2 :). But again, what sound card do you have?
LiveW 0.0.2 Released B-)!

Download Mirrors (Current version: 0.0.2 ALPHA):

More mirrors are welcome! If you uploaded the ISO to your server/VPS or a file host please share the link(s) in this topic, thanks :).

Changes since the last version:

  • Added ndiswrapper - Support for more hardware/drivers
  • Added kernel-default-extra - Adds support for a large range of hardware
  • Switched to Gnome Network Manager which makes it a lot easier to setup your network or auto-configure it (this is the same thing Ubuntu uses by default)
  • Fixed most issues related to missing hardware drivers and no network support
This is a bug fix release.

Snapshot of the old mirrors:
Filehost Mirrors:
For those who provided mirrors of the previous version:
If you could switch to the new iso and post the link here that would be great. Deleting the old ISO is not a problem :). If you wish to make a cron job to auto-download the latest ISO to your server you can parse this file which always contains a latest version: You can use it to to see if a newer version is available and to find the link to the iso, for example

Nearly forgot, major thanks to SplitIce for his support and mirror.

Awesome, thanks. Added to the TO.

@DeLeTeD: Yeh that's understandably, but that could be a while. If you download/use this version you'll have a good amount of time to use it until the first stable is released. And with network/hardware support fixed if any issues should come to light I can easily explain how to fix most of them.
Tiny Update:

Currently making One-Click Install files for installing the ATI Radeon drivers. Will make one for nVidia to. These will enable you to install stuff needed to get your graphics card running at full power with just running one file ;). Doing this will also allow you to start using the fancy 3D desktop effects. LiveW must be installed on your harddrive 1st though.
sooo i still dont see the point of switching to this. whats new? how is it different?

is it just an os with a couple programms pre isntalled on it?
Thanks added to the first post.

Btw, to those who have tested/used/installed it, I need your feedback in order to improve it. If you find any bugs or other issues which bug you, anything at all, please let me know.
sooo i still dont see the point of switching to this. whats new? how is it different?

is it just an os with a couple programms pre isntalled on it?

No it's not an OS where some apps were quickly added. If it only was that simple. In contrast to Windows this means you'll never get "pwnt" by infected warez, trojans, mal/spyware or keyloggers. It means no bloat, a faster overall system. That alone is worth using it, even if it's only as a secondary OS (dual-boot) for when you're dealing with warez or other potential dodgy stuff. And indeed, the pre-installed software saves you time not having to find, download, install and configure it yourself when you do a fresh install. Furthermore, this can be run straight off of the disk without installing. Perfect for when your OS should crash (Windows likes to crash, doesn't it).

In contrast to other Linux ditro's there a bigger change. As you've mentioned, pre-installed and pre-configured software. Especially on Linux this is a big time saver. All codecs are installed. Working out-of-the box flash, and smooth fonts. Targeted towards warez and not office/worksation use. And there's tons of other details that have been taken care of for you.

And mind you, all of this is the beginning. What you see now is that tiny dot. How big will the dot grow? What will the dot become? ;)
the dot will become a line which will become a picture which will go and be made into a movie. Then the movie will be pirated and downloadable through the dot again.

Basically its a fancy OS with pre installed software. Sure doesnt sound great, yet. Wait until Hyperz starts building it up more.
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