LiveW Released! (Complete OS for warez users)

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Active Member


LiveW is a Linux OS based on openSUSE (11.1 atm) which is targeted at warez users. It includes a range of programs and tools for downloading, running and viewing warez. It also has many things pre-installed and configured which you normally don't find in Linux distros such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc including Flash, PlayOnLinux, Wine, lots of codecs, Microsoft core fonts, working and pre-configured sub-pixel font rendering for LCD monitors etc. You don't have to remove Windows or install it in order to use, you can just boot from the CD (Live CD). Though if you like you can still easily install it to your harddrive after you booted the CD, and I would recommend doing so. Another thing worth noting is: no viruses, trojans, keyloggers, BSOD's whatsoever! However, you can still get Rick Roll'd.

Download Mirrors (Current version: 0.0.3 ALPHA):

More mirrors are welcome! If you uploaded the ISO to your server/VPS or a file host please share the link(s) in this topic, thanks :).

Changes since the last version:

  • Changed Firefox default theme to one that looks more like the Windows version.
  • Fixed issue in Firefox where it would not select the correct program for opening files.
  • Added some Firefox 'Scene Bookmarks' (More will be added later)
  • Pre-installed Firefox add-ons: AdBlock Plus, GreaseMonkey, KDST, Im4ge, IC Tools.
  • Added Ndiswrapper package.
  • Some other small config tweaks here and there.
This the last ALPHA release.

Known Issues:

  • In some cases the splash screen doesn't show while booting.
  • Sometimes the system reverts to the default openSUSE theme. If this should happen you can easliy change it again by going to Computer > Control Center > Appearance and changing the theme to LiveW 0.1.
  • Some of the openSUSE art, branding and icons hasn't been replace yet.
  • This is an ALPHA release, other issues and bugs should be expected.
Things not present yet that will be in the Final version:

  • Additional Firefox Add-ons, Bookmarks and Plugins.
  • Homebrew scene apps and some custom programs by me (for warez users).
  • A Peer-2-Peer client.
  • Simple CompizConfig Settings Manager.
  • Some other stuff which I can't think of now.

Minimum system requirements:
- Single core AMD Athlon64 or 64 bit Pentium 4 processor
- 256MB RAM, 512MB is highly recommended
- 3GB HDD (for installation)

I would personally also recommend a recent ATI or nVidia card.

Who the hell cares?

Some quick screenshots:






Notice: Default user/root password is linux
Notice: Use at your own risk! This is ALPHA software.
Notice: Remember that you need to install your graphics card drivers for better performance

This is not MY project, this is everbody's project! B-)
Share it, spread the word and contribute where possible!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did developing it. Peace.

Fingerprint (to help verify a successful/not corrupted download):
MD5: 9a963a3cc83e01c47b4d936002b96a87
SHA1: 6346d33dce4c319eaee8371a13358219f715af85
I added the connection in the dsl settings but i cant find the plan from where i can connect it like in ubuntu when i click the network icon i see the connection and connect it .

Its basically a dial up broadband its not online 24/7
Well I never had to configure old skool DSL connection so I wouldn't really know the steps. But there are some big issues with a lot of network/wireless cards because I forgot to add a few essential packages. Basically, if you get internet working you'd be lucky. This is going to be addressed in 0.0.2. I could try and find a fix for 0.0.1 till then but if you're not installing it to the harddrive you need to apply the fix everytime you boot the CD. But I'll have another look around in a few moments. Could you possibly open a terminal and type /sbin/lspic hit enter, and copy/paste the output of that? Might help.
Dear god. Forgetting ndiswrapper is one thing, but it seems I forgot to include kernel-default-extra to which contains most ofthe kernel modules, especially for wifi, usb and network cards/chips :((. I'll try and have 0.0.2 ready by tomorrow even if it's only a fix for this because this is a rather big (and stupid) issue. Can't have a warez OS with no connectivity for most users.
Running the 0.0.2 Live CD which fixes the network issues as you can see.
Connected to a WEP secured WLAN network via a Ralink wireless USB card:


I am wanting to try this out, but can you use Kaspersky with it? I have NEVER used Linux of any kind, so I don't know lol

I am guessing that you need an AV, just like Windows, if so, what is the best Hyperz?

Good work by the way mate ;)
You don't need an AV at all? Does that mean you just can't get one, or you don't get viruses etc?

Sorry for the noob questions, I have never used it at all lol

Oh, that sounds good :)

Do you need any firewall, rootkit detector or anything similar, or any other security?

I know you probably can't answer .mac, so anyone who knows, please let me know :)
So I can install it now and It'll work or are you releasing an update?

It works yes but there's a big chance that you'll have problems connecting to the internet with 0.0.1. So I'd advice you to wait till tomorrow when 0.0.2 drops. If you just want to play around in a virtualbox you can download 0.0.1, networking works there.

Oh, that sounds good :)

Do you need any firewall, rootkit detector or anything similar, or any other security?

I know you probably can't answer .mac, so anyone who knows, please let me know :)

Viruses, trojans, exploits, mallware, keylogger, *continues long list* are somthing which you won't encounter in Linux. So no, you don't need any security like an AV etc. Linux is safe. That's also one of there reason I started this because most people get screwed by infected warez. If you download a windows virus, and run it in Linux, nothing will happen. The virus won't even start because it'll crash on the 1st byte, lol. Having said that, LiveW still includes a Firewall, but it's disabled by default for performance reasons. If you still want an anti-virus program because you wanna be Uber safe you can install AppArmor (free) via the Software management tool ;).
i will try this,im also a noob with Linux.. i just recently tried ubuntu and there is a major learning curve.. great work on this though Hyperz

oh ya would be nice to have WINE installed default tho to for us GFXers tht use Photoshop ;)
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