Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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hello share flare pls reply me boss
how to keep file size limit for the free users to download
is there any option for that to select filelimit size like wat extabit,netload,ryushare did
I'm uploader if I buy I can get an account premiund copy my files uploaded by the time I deleted the links to post again and I will have much veses boren what my backup greetings
and me why?
why have my account been block? why?
you have multiple accounts on a single tariff
Our rules:
16. It is prohibited to have more than one account of service without prior agreement of the Administration.

Added after 8 minutes:

change me my plan to PPD please my id lmanaos
You can not change the rate plan, but you can register a new, non referral, account with another tariff

Added after 2 Hours 45 minutes:

was a 1000 points of a monthly premium?
300 points/month
Last edited:
you change me before

Attention! your efficiency has decreased to 10%. Your account is moved to work for 100% from sales.
It is done for Your accumulated balance not to become lower with negative efficiency.
Now You are receiving 50% from each sale that has been made on Your file. Low efficiency is no longer affecting your earnings.
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