Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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I uploaded some files in Remote Upload Page, in that page it show the upload is finished, but in file manager the files don't appear...

Support please i need to post quickly a link that i uploaded more than 2 hours ago but nothing appear in my account...
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Hello Shareflare!

I requested a payment on 2012-02-06 (monday)

When will i get the payment?

I am using paypal

Thank you!
you get the money next Monday
To get the money on Monday 2012-02-06 , you will need to require payment of at least Sunday. 2012-02-05
Hi support, I know if I can have two accounts (without referring to each other), using different e-mail for registration, but using the same e-mail from paypal, thank you very much.
you can have two (non-referral) account, but with different tariff plans. in your case, if you have two the same rates, you will be banned.
how to change this ?

when I click here it is a blank page
percentage change is possible only a month after the registration
Hi Shareflare, I have two question

1) Well for what did you say in my other question that you pay via paypal only on Monday at 7 - 9 pm (Moscow time) so I think I have to request payment on Saturday or Sunday morning.
I have requested my first payment on Monday at 00:48 am (Moscow time) so I have to wait to next Monday, but I have another payment to request.
Do you pay both on Monday?

2) I have read that you can't change your account type (I'm turba) so you have to create another account.
If I create another account with another mail to register (without referring to each other) Can I use the same paypal account and the same type account (turba)? Don't you ban for having two accounts?

Thanks for the answer.
1)To get the money on Monday , you will need to require payment of at least Sunday.
2)not allowed to have two identical accounts

Added after 6 minutes:

Support please i need to post quickly a link that i uploaded more than 2 hours ago but nothing appear in my account...
say me your login

Have this also 10 times a day with differed files i wanna download as a PREMIUM member

You were not able to download file in accordance with following reasons::

  • The file is temporarily unavailable for download. Please try a little bit later.
To receive the premium key, please use the instructions below.:
this is due to increased load on our servers, we gradually solve this problem by increasing our capacity
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So I can have a turba and a normal account with different mail registration but with the same paypa account? I don't understand the part "f you have two the same rates" that you answer to luke. Can you explain me please, because I don't want to be banned if I open a normal account
So I can have a turba and a normal account with different mail registration but with the same paypa account? I don't understand the same rate thing that you answer to luke. Can you explain me please, because I don't want to be banned.
You can have the same billing information for both accounts (normal and turbo), also the same email and phone.
Originally Posted by glad34
So I can have a turba and a normal account with different mail registration but with the same paypa account? I don't understand the same rate thing that you answer to luke. Can you explain me please, because I don't want to be banned.

You can have the same billing information for both accounts (normal and turbo), also the same email and phone.

ok thanks shareflare. And the part " if you have two the same rates, you will be banned" thing that you answer to luke, what does it means?. thanks for your anwser.
say me in PM link on file, that you want to remotely download, file name, and version upload ( torents or http or copies of files)

Added after 7 minutes:

And the part " if you have two the same rates, you will be banned" thing that you answer to luke, what does it means?. thanks for your anwser.

not allowed to have two accounts with the same rate plans
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Shareflare, whats wrong with letitbit matey?

Im sending files but they are not showing on my account.

Also, when i move files or copy them they dont switch folders

Thank you!
Hi, I'd like to ask how long it takes to convert video for embed code. I registered yesterday, uplouded about 20 videos, turned on conversion but after 24 hours nothing happened. The only change was that i have back "status ok" from "This video is in process...". So today i tried to turn on only one video and it's been about 5-6 hours and still nothing. So where is the problem? [my account servis.badminton(at)gmail(dot)com]
Same here, video conversion isn't working...

When you (admistrator) delete a file you send e-mail? Because I lost 1 file and don't see any information about it, and the file has only 2 days, not the 30 days...
you can have two (non-referral) account, but with different tariff plans. in your case, if you have two the same rates, you will be banned.

Thanks for answering!, my current account is in plan "Truba", how can i change for another plan? i wanna a new account in plan "Turba"..greattings..
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