- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

Sigh... idiots always making stupid posts in psuzy's K2S support thread.
It's 99% likely they got a keylogger on their computer that stole their CC # or their passwords got hacked, but they always blame K2S. Fuckin morons.
Total sales earned from specific file or website/referrer DURING the time period chosen at the top.
Thanks for ur help. What could be the reason that the count of "Paids count" is different from "Paids sum"?. Does is mean that not all sales are counted? My "Paids sum" is 29 but "Paids count" is 3.
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I requested payout to pp but in meantime my pp got limited so I submited support ticket to cancel payout request but got no answer
Someone can help here?
My username is sanjar at
Worst week I ever had with this host. Not got a single sale in 10 days now, earlier I had only got 4 days in a row at most between sales. You lose the motivation to continue :-/
Go to Profile => Main settings => and remove "Use Direct Links".
I have same issue, and "Use Direct Links" have been removed at whole time.
PM me please your account please. I will check .

I requested payout to pp but in meantime my pp got limited so I submited support ticket to cancel payout request but got no answer
Someone can help here?
My username is sanjar at


last year september keep2share gave free wallets for those who had productivity scale 7
is there any such offers this year?
As i know owners not plan it. But who knows ;-)
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