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I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me. I had suspicion that something is wrong with P-bb before, Jeff claimed that they only changed search reff and everything is allright. Well it isnt. It used to be number one sales source to me. For many month in a row I was able to earn decent money via them. Now it is really only about 6 times less - 60 dollars per month - 5-6 sales per month.

There IS a problem with P-bb, it is just nobody solves it. I am sick of writing it over and over. After all it is really my choice where to upload and earn. I have made more than 2500 dollars to me and to keep2s. All with about 500-600 gb files. Not a single f_ck is given about that. I am just not a good uploader. I should work harder. I should study more my analytics. Yeah, go get me. I am whining here instead of working harder. Why work when the sales are not counted correctly?

When Im was posting and uploading a lot I always had good sales with all hosts, with k2s the best so far. (I dont use mirror)
Since few days hard work with k2s but low sales, no idea whats going on.

no idea whats going on.
bad luck maybe... many people have premium.. it`s not easy to get sales like before...
Ask one of you friends to purchase from you.. if you have sale this mean their is no problem with sales counter.. i think it`s best choice for you.. i believe 15$ it`s not big problem for you..
I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me. I had suspicion that something is wrong with P-bb before, Jeff claimed that they only changed search reff and everything is allright. Well it isnt. It used to be number one sales source to me. For many month in a row I was able to earn decent money via them. Now it is really only about 6 times less - 60 dollars per month - 5-6 sales per month.

There IS a problem with P-bb, it is just nobody solves it. I am sick of writing it over and over. After all it is really my choice where to upload and earn. I have made more than 2500 dollars to me and to keep2s. All with about 500-600 gb files. Not a single f_ck is given about that. I am just not a good uploader. I should work harder. I should study more my analytics. Yeah, go get me. I am whining here instead of working harder. Why work when the sales are not counted correctly?

no idea whats going on.
bad luck maybe... many people have premium.. it`s not easy to get sales like before...
Ask one of you friends to purchase from you.. if you have sale this mean their is no problem with sales counter.. i think it`s best choice for you.. i believe 15$ it`s not big problem for you..

I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me.

Jeff is that true ?
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I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me. I had suspicion that something is wrong with P-bb before, Jeff claimed that they only changed search reff and everything is allright. Well it isnt. It used to be number one sales source to me. For many month in a row I was able to earn decent money via them. Now it is really only about 6 times less - 60 dollars per month - 5-6 sales per month.

There IS a problem with P-bb, it is just nobody solves it. I am sick of writing it over and over. After all it is really my choice where to upload and earn. I have made more than 2500 dollars to me and to keep2s. All with about 500-600 gb files. Not a single f_ck is given about that. I am just not a good uploader. I should work harder. I should study more my analytics. Yeah, go get me. I am whining here instead of working harder. Why work when the sales are not counted correctly?

I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me.

Jeff is that true ?

I havent wrote to Jeff yet, will try support in the weekend. Jeff is always taking vacations on the weekend and is not here. Just thinking how to do it, dont wanna send my friends bank info to Russia or Romania. And when I blacken some info they will say that it is not real and I cheat...

EDIT: Also there is this option that it will be counted later. Sometimes is is not instant. Still kinda hesitant to call them cheaters. For a long time they were good to me, paid on time, only last month and a half is is a nightmare. Will keep you posted what is going on, dont worry...
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I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me. I had suspicion that something is wrong with P-bb before, Jeff claimed that they only changed search reff and everything is allright. Well it isnt. It used to be number one sales source to me. For many month in a row I was able to earn decent money via them. Now it is really only about 6 times less - 60 dollars per month - 5-6 sales per month.

There IS a problem with P-bb, it is just nobody solves it. I am sick of writing it over and over. After all it is really my choice where to upload and earn. I have made more than 2500 dollars to me and to keep2s. All with about 500-600 gb files. Not a single f_ck is given about that. I am just not a good uploader. I should work harder. I should study more my analytics. Yeah, go get me. I am whining here instead of working harder. Why work when the sales are not counted correctly?

I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me.

Jeff is that true ?

I think no. Because we count every single sale. If mister Tedgeorge not provide proof that we stole sale from him, we have to finish partnership with him.
We don't need Partners who try blackmail us.
Mister Tedgeorge
Please provide, Transaction ID to PM.
On Monday i back to office and invistegate your case.
Last edited: is s blocked in India please add another domain too for alternative access to Indian users.

Added after 2 minutes:

this is what they get when try to download

"This website/URL has been blocked until further notice either pursuant to Court orders or on the Directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications"
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I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me.

Jeff is that true ?

I think no. Because we count every single sale. If mister Tedgeorge not provide proof that we stole sale from him, we have to finish partnership with him.
We don't need Partners who try blackmail us.
Mister Tedgeorge
Please provide, Transaction ID to PM.
On Monday i back to office and invistegate your case.

Sorry that you take this as blackmailiing, try to write it without emotions and actually giving you the benefit of the doubt. Also you can clearly read, that I dont believe that you would cheat and it is the system problem with p-bb.

Where can be found the transaction ID? The bank screen sent to me by friend doesnt have that. He blackened something, but what I see is the number of the card used for transactions 4461 **** **** 4635 , date 6.3.2015, amount 15.95 dollars, his name and thats pretty much it.

What should I write him for? Where is that transaction ID on the bank statement (local Czech bank). Hope this will be figured somehow out...If not, than oh well, worse things have happende in life...
Maybe your friend must download 1-2 files, and then sale will showed in daily earnings?

I think that user has bought a premium via a link in TD's thread, so it already visited a download page and got cookies.
A transaction should appear within a short time (mostly it less than 24 hours, usually ~some hours).
Transaction ID can be found by checking a list of completed bank transactions. is s blocked in India please add another domain too for alternative access to Indian users.

Added after 2 minutes:

this is what they get when try to download

"This website/URL has been blocked until further notice either pursuant to Court orders or on the Directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications"

you can use vpn to bypass your network restriction access . .

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