I have asked my friends to do that. One replied (CZech), yesterday bought one month premium via my p-bb thread (got the receive from his bank to prove it). It was not counted to me.
Jeff is that true ?
I think no. Because we count every single sale. If mister Tedgeorge not provide proof that we stole sale from him, we have to finish partnership with him.
We don't need Partners who try blackmail us.
Mister Tedgeorge
Please provide, Transaction ID to PM.
On Monday i back to office and invistegate your case.
Well, so I guess I owe Jeff and other people here big apology. After two days that my so called "friend" has not replied to my urge for the payment ID, I give up. I probably didnt known him enough (from one czech forum) and he must have had taken my 15 bucks and run with them (He was online on the forum but didnt reply to me).
So there is no reason to believe, that p-bb sales are not being counted well. I know how this looks like, and I am not gonna argue with you that I am lier. I screwed up. Big time.
Please, Jeff and others, do except my sincere apology. It will not happen again. I was out of my head for claiming something without proof and I really sincerely apologize.
I would understand, if you would not like to cooperate anymore with me. I would myself either. If there is no way we can cooperate anymore in the future, I would just ask you to do this as civilized people. Just at least to leave my files alive so I can save them for the future.
I am out of apologizes, so for my defense I would just say that this happened to me for the first time, I was (as everybody sometimes) unhappy with sales, but I have never suggested that you shave or something. Also in the past I made the Czech moneyplatform translation, but I was paid for it, so that doesnt really count.
Once again Jeff, I am really sorry for puting you on the spot. I have learned from this experience, but I understand if you dont wanna cooperate with me anymore. If so, please send me PM or something.
I feel really bad now, but worse things happens in live than being laughed at and called liar. I deserve that...