- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

I would appreciate some info about frozen funds. I am aware, that it really shouldnt be much discussed in here, so if possible, please send me PM. Anyone. Doesnt have to be Jeff, anyone with some valid info... Thank you in advance :(

"Lol.... tried to get a payout from keep2share today and it tells me i have to verify my email, i click verify button and nothing gets sent to my email adress... great way of keeping people from earning money, what a shitty host."

maybe next time stop panic, and use brain before you complain here, like "great way of keeping people from earning money, what a shitty host" and etc, lol, now you looks like shitty boy, who first time use email )))
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It is a real Shame that doing honest business for 2 years people don't want to pay our frozen money with their new sales earnings. We lost all our Rebills too.

Jeff believe if he wait long time people will forget about this money and after long time he will write, sorry bank don`t want to return our money so we can`t pay you this money! It`s so easy... There is no hope for frozen money .. now you have choice to work with cheaters and wait soon for other problems because one time cheater aways cheater... or work with any other company...

Jeff can please explain why company like Rapidgator and Uploaded have active CC all the time and only you can`t add normal working CC ? Are you the most amateur company here or ?
It is a real Shame that doing honest business for 2 years people don't want to pay our frozen money with their new sales earnings. We lost all our Rebills too.

Jeff please dont pay the server fees and your other invoices ,just pay the frozen money for this poor guys. They want you to close your filehost and pay the frozen money. Jeff when you going to pay the froyen money? Give all your money for the poor guys ,not matters your filehost will surviev or not, just pay the frozen money. lol,lol,lol :D

Just joking :D

Guys you should understand ,that the frozen money is not everything. When thay getting access for this money ,thay will pay for sure. The bank have rights to froze the money for 6 months.

Jeff the best solution ,pay the frozen money for this few guys ,than delete all their files and bann their account. On this way, they will be happy with their money ,and you can spare on the server cost.
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It is a real Shame that doing honest business for 2 years people don't want to pay our frozen money with their new sales earnings. We lost all our Rebills too.

Honest business??....Really! since when has piracy and worst still getting paid for it ever been honest :facepalm:

depend where you live :whistling:
share ( or better piracy ) isn't illegal in all world
btw I share my own work like all here :heiligenschein:

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