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yeah, I do get sales now eventhough I stopped using k2s as my main hoster...
Are CC payments back ? do you guys think it's ok to start again with k2s or is it too soon ?
I will work with them again after they pay our Hold money!!! Hope all the big uploaders and blog owners will join again after they pay our Hold money!!! Without paying the Hold money they don't have a Future!!!
Jeff you can use this formula.
Money request by Affiliate + 50%payout request and deduct that from hold money. i.e if an affiliate request 100 then pay him 100+50=150 and deduct 50$ from hold money. May be affiliates like this option.

What you guys said about this formula.
Jeff you can use this formula.
Money request by Affiliate + 50%payout request and deduct that from hold money. i.e if an affiliate request 100 then pay him 100+50=150 and deduct 50$ from hold money. May be affiliates like this option.

What you guys said about this formula.

Formula is not good because there is people who don`t want to work again with this filehost... many people change the host after this problems(hold money + no cc) with your formula they will never receive their money! Jeff have to pay all frozen money without formula or etc.. people work for this money he don`t have right to change the rules for that because with your formula he force me to work again with him but i don`t want! I hope you understand what i mean..
The problem is Jeff don`t want to pay this money... this is fresh money in his pocket... he is not so stupid to pay this money :) His problem now is CC... he now very well what to do.. but let me explain you what he will do.
1)He will add new CC
2)He will give very good sales include some stupid promo(monkeys will be very happy and they will forget about frozen money because they will earn 1-2 sales per day)
3)Jeff will write: Sorry but our bank don`t want to pay our money(which will be not true and he will put this money in pocket)
4) Monkey`s will say... ,,don`t care about frozen money now their is working cc and i will make again sales)
If Jeff is honest person he will pay frozen money from his earnings and he will work one month for nothing but this will be the only way if he want people still to believe in him.. but even if he pay this money many people left this host and they will never return.. because they are smart.. they know very well same problem can happen again after 1-2 month`s and again frozen money and again no CC for next 2-3-4-5 - ? months.
Jeff I like your host but you ignore problems and people and this is not the way... you have to change something don`t think only for your profit.. think for your customers who bring u this profit.
maybe you are right but I'm curios where did uploaders move ? what host they chose ?
because I tested few and they are big shit starting from xerver lol
the problem is no alternative to k2s .
this is the true and maybe Jeff know that.
give me an alternative to k2s and I will move.
sales never stop and people earned already the hold money.
think what u want but I will still use k2s and not means that I forget hold money ;)

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