Please don`t tell me looks very professional

and don`t forget name is not important in this business
can't be a competitor for k2s for many many reasons: 1. Ks is too big , custom script not xfile... many payment processors , many payout processors and others :P . For K2S only RG UL and UpStore are competitors maybe in few months appear other big fh accepted in all forums but i don't think ....
all your reason are very stupid..
1) k2s is big.. this mean FJ can`t be big someday ? K2s was also small in beggining don`t forget about that..
2)About script this is bulshit.. for me it`s not important what script use any site if it work normal..
3)Many processors and what ? Most of them are stupid... and they don`t have the most important ,,CC,, in same time ,,small,, host have working CC.. with working CC i don`t care about all other shit processors because 90% of sales coming from CC not other...