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Remote upload from openload, streamango and url not working, i have files from yesterday and is still pending!
I have 2-3 MKV files from 4 days and stilll not converted yet.
Torrent upload still not working!

I'm trying to remote upload from openload, and all my videos are becoming like this :

example link: (2017) DVDRip.mp4-DInrXPAm8AA.mp4


Hello, you need to blame openload for this, as they refuse moving your files.

How to change filename i dont see this feature

Hello, that option i coming soon


What the hell is this?

Hello , This mean the video is still encoding

Remote upload from openload, streamango and url not working, i have files from yesterday and is still pending!
I have 2-3 MKV files from 4 days and stilll not converted yet.
Torrent upload still not working!

Hello, remote from openload/streamango it may work for you it may not , as they refuse to allow users moving there files
about encoding send me a PM maybe I can switch you to priority your videos will be encoded right away then
you have many shortcomings. 1 video in 10 hours, although coded. The video stops when we touch the player while playing a video. this is a huge problem
You have to fix the coding problem, in my case a mkv 2gb file takes days to be fully encoded. They should solve this problem. When you are mp4 of 900 mb you have no problems.
Hello, is there minimum ads mode without PPV?

Yes we do but actually its under maintenance.

you have many shortcomings. 1 video in 10 hours, although coded. The video stops when we touch the player while playing a video. this is a huge problem

We will check this please send me your account id and the URL of the video.

You have to fix the coding problem, in my case a mkv 2gb file takes days to be fully encoded. They should solve this problem. When you are mp4 of 900 mb you have no problems.

The Queue was fully overloaded in the past days thats why it toke longer
I sent you a PM with info
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