JDownloader Or IDM [Vote]

IDM Or JDownloader?

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I used to use JD when I had a forum and wanted to download in bulk and thought it was a pretty good app, have never used IDM so can't give an opinion on that, these days mostly get stuff on torrent and usenet and using browser.
IDM is best if you have a premium account, otherwise JDownloader for free or no account. JD's integration with captcha solving services is great.

well, since I only used IDM from the first start, it's hard for me to change to another download tools. but as far as i know, JDownloader is hard to use for beginner who love to download. therefore, many of them prefer the simple IDM as donwloading tools.
Both are good for their Purpose Jdownloader is Buggy but offers alot of automation and Host support inbuilt, IDM is Stable and Offers Limited but Needed Download features. Specially if u want to download from youtube or any other video streaming site there is not alternative.

But again its upto the Purpose to decide Which one works for your Need. Good Luck

[QUOTE = CyberAff; 684.123] Hé srácok! gyerünk szavazni, amelyek a Fenti manager jó letölthetők a filehosts? JDownloader Vagy IDM ?! i szavazni JDownloader és te? [/ Quote] IDM-re szavazok
You can't really compare JD with IDM, IDM is much developed but IDM cracked version wont work for long. You have to keep installing it and its kinda annoying.
Mipony as download manager, IDM as multi-connection downloader
JD is coded in Java and it slow as hell, Mipony interface is so much more intuitive
IDM all the way. The Grim you don't have to keep updating stick to the version that currently works for you I don't have to update ever.
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