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  1. servergateway - 2xE5620/E3-1230/SSD/HW RAID/32GBRAM/1 Gbps RDP @ $4.95 (NL)

    Thank you and your Most Welcome. Ongoing Promo for 24 hours, Offer Code WJ15 15% Recurring Discount for Life for Premium and Encoding RDP.
  2. servergateway - 2xE5620/E3-1230/SSD/HW RAID/32GBRAM/1 Gbps RDP @ $4.95 (NL)

    Thank you for your Kind Words. and Our Main Goal is to Satisfy our Clients as much as we can and that will remain same forever. And Most Importantly Thank you for Choosing Us. To all Others: Give Us a Try and we are Sure that we can make you Stay with us for very very long.
  3. servergateway - 2xE5620/E3-1230/SSD/HW RAID/32GBRAM/1 Gbps RDP @ $4.95 (NL)

    Thank you for your Feedback. To all WJ Users Who are Coming from Other Providers Can Avail One time 30% Discount. Kindly Send Us a Support Ticket/Reach us over Skype/Live Chat including Screenshot of your Present Provider. This Discount is available For Premium and Encoding plans.
  4. servergateway | 2x Premium RDP Giveaway for 15 Days

    Hello Everyone and Thank you for all your Support We are Giving Away 2 Premium RDP accounts for 15 Days with Below Configuration Intel Xeon E3-1230 Speed 8x 3.2 GHz 32 GB RAM 100GB RAID 0 HDD Windows Server 2012 R2 Unlimited Bandwidth 1 GBPS Port Location- Netherlands Anyone can Enter But Do...
  5. servergateway

    Best Antivirus

    If your looking for Free and reliable AV solution i guess microsoft essential Would do the work for you. It doesn't eat up Resources. and i Do trust this AV when my Kaspersky Runs out.
  6. servergateway - 2xE5620/E3-1230/SSD/HW RAID/32GBRAM/1 Gbps RDP @ $4.95 (NL)

    Thank you for your Comment. We Do Offer them. If u need a custom Config Please open a Support ticket on our Site. and we will get back to you with the Price. __________________ Added after 24 minutes: Our Promo Offer Will Expire in 2 Days Please Hurry and Book your RDP Now
  7. servergateway

    JDownloader Or IDM [Vote]

    Both are good for their Purpose Jdownloader is Buggy but offers alot of automation and Host support inbuilt, IDM is Stable and Offers Limited but Needed Download features. Specially if u want to download from youtube or any other video streaming site there is not alternative. But again its...
  8. servergateway

    Torrent Server vs TorrentFlux ?

    For linux i would recommend Rutorrent as there is no alternative. For windows I recommend Deluge 1.3.1 ...Good Luck
  9. servergateway - 2xE5620/E3-1230/SSD/HW RAID/32GBRAM/1 Gbps RDP @ $4.95 (NL)

    Hello all and a Warm Welcome to Our thread We are new here at WJ and wish to be the part of this family. Just Give us a try and we are sure we can Satisfy your needs, and most importantly We never Oversale. Who we are: Server Gateway Provides best RDP hosting experience. We are...
  10. servergateway

    What games do you play?

    i like games which has mystery and horror in the story, Like Alan Wake The Evil Within Murdered Soul Suspect
  11. servergateway

    Best Antivirus

    Kaspersky all the way..
  12. servergateway

    Best browser?

    Chrome for me :)
  13. servergateway

    Windows 7 vs Windows 8, Which is best for you?

    i am still with win 7 as for me win 7 offers much better driver support.
  14. servergateway

    Hello Guys

    Thank you :)
  15. servergateway

    Hello Guys

    Finally Joined after hearing alot about WJ .. Hope WJ will be gd for my business