IS Lumfile dead ?

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lumfile opening but all files were gone
Used space: 0.00 GB

for me its not getting pending payment or last payout i am below 50$ right now
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like i said in my post it was lumfile offical message that they r threatened legally i guess its for all that jb stuff which they were supporting and now they have to pay the consequence . i think such people should be put in jails apart their domains being seized . So most probably they will die ...
mail from lumfile

We would like to announce that we have solved the problems related to the domain name, all the problems will be back soon.

Now you can use the domain name back.

We had to take down a big data related to copyright infringement.

Thank you.
They are back again just received message from them

Hello aff,

We would like to announce that we have solved the problems related to the domain name, all the problems will be back soon.

Now you can use the domain name back.

We had to take down a big data related to copyright infringement.

Thank you.
I think lumfile is the best filehost for now. I hope they backup files (4TB) for me.
But why is all file was deleted?
"We would like to announce that we have solved the problems related to the domain name, all the problems will be back soon."

Oh yes, I believe it :-=
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satune @lolz u think for ur 4 tb they will risk goin to jail . And since they have now bowed down to copyrite infrigment once so now they will be very strict with those things or will end forever . maybe they may block account from now or dlete all files related to account once again the dmca agents report files for dmca . So think b4 using them again if u r uploading copyrited stuff :)
Same scenario, everytime they want clear their servers they created "story"

Yesterday .com problem seem only scenario for delete all files. kinda funny....after all files gone, domain .com suddenly have no problem again and can use again.

If they only have problem with domain then all files in servers shouldn't be affected and have no reason for delete all files.

They just need "Reason" when delete all files to clear their servers.
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lum answer for deleting files

Our domain I involved allegations of copyright infringement, we do not know how many links are against us, you want us to finish early by the closure of while court to intervene directly?
only a link still live and can download, we could be fined up to U.S. $1.000.000
Refer that:
We respect copyright laws and are willing to take actions necessary to take down
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lum answer for deleting files

Our domain I involved allegations of copyright infringement, we do not know how many links are against us, you want us to finish early by the closure of while court to intervene directly?
only a link still live and can download, we could be fined up to U.S. $1.000.000
Refer that:
We respect copyright laws and are willing to take actions necessary to take down

That just their reason. If from beginning they made responses for every DMCA complaints then they wouldn't need delete all affiliates files.

But since from beginning they ignored all DMCA, when it reach lot numbers,they took simple way, delete all files, problem solved.

Now their domain is worked again ( Funny, suddenly they don't have domain problem again after delete all affiliates files ). If they don't restore all files then clearly from beginning this domain problem just something they used as 'reason' for delete all files.

And since this is not first time....if you starting upload files again....maybe in next 4 or 5 months you will find other "story" then you will see all files delete again by them.
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